Page 70 - Poze Magazine Volume 80
P. 70
W I L L A I D O M I N A T E T H E M U S I C S C E N E I N 2 0 2 5 ?
AI in Music Creation
AI has made waves in songwriting and music
production. Platforms like OpenAI’s MuseNet
and Google’s Magenta can compose entire
tracks, mimic different genres, and even create
melodies that sound like they were crafted by
human hands.
Artists are increasingly using AI to generate
ideas, speed up production, and experiment
with sounds. For instance, AI tools can analyze
hit songs to identify patterns and suggest
The music industry has chord progressions or lyrics. However, while
always been a space of these tools are impressive, they often lack the
innovation, blending art with emotional depth and nuance that comes from
technology to create human creativity.
something extraordinary. As
we enter 2025, artificial AI as a Collaborator, Not a Competitor
intelligence (AI) is no longer Rather than replacing musicians, AI is
a futuristic concept—it's a becoming a collaborative partner. Think of AI
powerful force shaping the as a co-producer or virtual bandmate, helping
music landscape. From artists push creative boundaries. Grammy-
songwriting and production winning artists like Taryn Southern and Holly
to personalized playlists, AI Herndon have already embraced AI in their
is revolutionizing how music work, using it to craft unique, experimental
is created, consumed, and pieces.
experienced. But will it
dominate the music scene, For unsigned artists, AI offers affordable
or is it just another tool in access to high-quality production tools,
the artist's toolbox? Let’s making it easier than ever to create
dive in. professional tracks without breaking the bank.