Page 53 - Poze Magazine Volume 55
P. 53
5) What can we do at this point? For example, in the school district, kids
have to pass a test to move to the next
G: One of the things you can do is level, right? So if the test is for the wrong
understand that you're in a trap. You answers from the very beginning, what's
cannot get out of a trap if you don't going to happen is the children are led
know you're in a trap. Why are there immediately into the trap. Because
wars? Why is there disruption? Why are they're taught not how to think, but what
the special interest groups advocating to think. So their identities are already
in a lot of meat when we know clearly being crystallized and their freedoms are
and distinctly it causes diabetes and already being taken away. When you go
cancer, etc.? So what's happening here to school, there's a certain history that
is we're being given false information they teach you and it's false, but you
and that's what the tested movement know, that's what they teach you. So you
is. It's just to re-educate people. have to go with it.
6) What do you envision for the
Tested Movement?
G: This movement is to galvanize
the world and to liberate the artists,
the songwriters, the poets, the
actors, the writers, to express this
movement of freedom, to elevate
humanity, to create a heaven on
earth where love will conquer hate
and right will conquer might.
7) With this movement being the
key for vital retainers to openly
promote peace and love
throughout the industry, how will
this project itself change not only
the industry, but also be better for
G: It'll be better because the project
itself will be like a blueprint. So in
other words, people will see a
blueprint for love and peace, and
that will influence future projects. It'll
influence the way people see the
world because we express what we
know. So the whole purpose of
TESTED is to wake up the divinity
within the individual. Wars where
we're bombing the earth and
destroying it, all this will go away
because there'll be a massive
collection of people, a critical mass
will be attained because there's
99% of us and 1% of them.