Page 75 - Poze Magazine 57
P. 75

[Ukraine                                                                                 2023

          The war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the country, and the humanitarian
          crisis is only getting worse. Musicians are using their platform to help Ukraine in any way
          they can. They are raising awareness, raising funds, and providing support to the

          Ukrainian people.
                                                                    Writing  songs  about  the  war.  Many
                                                                    musicians are writing songs about the
                                                                    war  in  Ukraine  in  an  effort  to  raise

               Release  songs  in  support  of  Ukraine.            awareness  and  to  show  solidarity
               Many  musicians  have  released  songs  in           with  the  Ukrainian  people.  For
               support  of  Ukraine.  For  example,  the            example,  the  band  Imagine  Dragons

               band  Pink  Floyd  released  a  new  song            wrote  a  song  called  "Wrecked"  that
               called  "Hey  Hey  Rise  Up"  that  features         was inspired by the war.
               Ukrainian  singer  Andriy  Khlyvnyuk  of             Providing  shelter  to  refugees.  Some

               the band Boombox.                                    musicians are opening their homes to
               Use  their  platform  to  raise  awareness.          Ukrainian  refugees  who  have  been
               Many musicians are using their platform              forced  to  flee  their  homes.  For
               to  raise  awareness  about  the  war  in            example, the band U2 has offered to

               Ukraine.  For  example,  the  band  U2               house  Ukrainian  refugees  in  their
               posted  a  video  on  social  media  urging          homes.
               people  to  donate  to  humanitarian                 Using  their  platform  to  speak  out

               organizations  that  are  providing  aid  to         against the war. Many musicians are
               Ukraine.                                             using  their  platform  to  speak  out
                                                                    against  the  war  in  Ukraine.  For
                                                                    example,  the  band  Coldplay  has

                                                                    canceled  their  concerts  in  Russia  in
                                                                    protest of the war.
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