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                            Phantom from “Phantom of the Opera” Killian Donnelly & Kelly Downing from the hugely successful musical “Hamilton” to bring their skills to the many pupils who just can’t get enough.
The company were due to be returning from a tour of the Netherlands with ‘The Showman Is Coming’ around about now and entering into a busy Christmas period that would have been due for a repeat of last years sell out of ‘Christmas At The Cathedral’. Sadly neither of these have been possible this year but Peter is confident that he’ll be back with a Christmas show in some shape or form for 2021, he says ‘I’ve been a part of the Christmas calendar for over two decades in Northern Ireland and not doing a show this year seems alien and sad to me but, I’ve had to find other ways to keep connected and that’s what’s important right now, shows will be back’. Indeed, Peter will be back with the Ulster Orchestra for a Christmas special and he also recently recorded ‘Sofa Swings’ with the Orchestra which will see DVD’s of the performance being sent out to those without easy access to streaming and computers. DVD players will also be sent out for those audience members who otherwise couldn’t enjoy this experience. Peter says ‘ I am very lucky, I have audiences that span across the ages but while streaming and facebook lives are easy for many, it’s important not to forget those who are not used to social media and computers, they deserve to enjoy performance and music as much as anyone else and this project has been a great opportunity to allow this connection’.
In fact, connection and reaching out really has been the driver for all of the recent work. Peter and his company have supported numerous local charities over the years through collections at their numerous events but certainly, supporting charity has been an activity that has been close to home recently. Aside from the work that BSPA has produced, Peter will be appearing in two up coming charity video’s, one for The Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice and one for Energy For Children. The style of the two video’s is very different but, both are designed to help the charities to be visible at a time when their usual fundraising avenues have been hampered.
So what’s next? Well, Peter Corry Productions are currently animating shop windows throughout Ards & North Down with their “Window Wonderland” project featuring a selection of performers between now and Christmas bringing some festive cheer and Peter Corry Productions producer Fleur Mellor has recently set up a new service offering Elfagram’s to Greater Belfast and further afield.
       Fleur Mellor
At a time when it’s becoming more difficult to access live music, The Elfagram Project has been created to allow you to send the very special gift of live festive music to someone you care
about. Come rain, shine or snow, singing elves can be at the door and by remaining outside the house you can be guaranteed a performance in line with all current elf & safety requirements.
The Elfagram Project has reignited the lost tradition of singing telegrams and has been designed to ensure families and friends can share joy and happiness in a unique way, even when they can’t be together. Fleur says; “Our elves love to sing and dance and just like the rest of us, this has been a strange year for them, they are really looking forward to being able to perform, socially distanced of course, at doorways across the province, to bring a smile and a song to young and old at this most wonderful time of year!”
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