P. 31

                Just a few of the many beautiful residents at Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary...
                   Sanctuary volunteer Carol said, “When I first saw the sanctuary it was on TV, talking about the devastating equine crisis. I wanted to help but didn’t have the confidence. I was in therapy and struggling with daily life and couldn’t imagine what I could do to help. Fast forward 5 years and I am a different person, working with horses led to me being diagnosed with Autism and helped me understand many of my problems and anxieties. More than that, the sanctuary provided me with a second home where I was able to grow in myself and learn new skills. I now help with the education and therapy programs because I know how invaluable they are.”
Ironically when the pandemic struck, Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary in Antrim had just got back on its feet
financially. Lyn Friel, its founder and manager, says, "For some reason, people don't support horses the way they do small animals. We have dogs, cats, and chickens but people see us as a horse sanctuary and we have never received the same financial help that other sanctuaries do."
Before the Covid-19 crisis hit, the sanctuary had just paid off all its debts and was building fundraising efforts, including the popular Cats and Coffee events and a new sponsorship scheme.
"Even the chickens that live in the office go out to nursing homes. We're trying so hard to be out in the community and give back to anyone who has supported us," says Lyn. "People have been amazing - it shows you how generous our
supporters are." Lyn says, but is still very worried about the future of the sanctuary as it can no longer do all its fundraising work. "I'm looking out of the window and there are eight Shetland ponies wandering about, so happy and enjoying the sunshine and oblivious to everything that's going on. Whatever we must do to keep this place going, we must do it. We're going to have to fight hard to bring in the money and I honestly don't know where it's going to come from. I've never felt as powerless. No matter how low funds were, you were prepared to go out and work and raise money and at the minute we can't. If anybody would like to help, we have a list on the website of what we need, or they can email us, and we will come back to them and speak individually."
 Please support us through this difficult winter time
In the run-up to Christmas, we are running our annual Christmas Ballot - hoping to raise funds to help cover the high costs arising in the winter period when extra feed, bedding, heating, lights, etc. is required. You can buy tickets directly
on the sanctuary’s website.
For a unique Christmas gift, you can sign up to
sponsor one of our permanent residents - it can make a
terrific present for someone or just for yourself, from as little as £2 a month!
Or you could set up a regular monthly donation of only £3 by texting CLAS to 70660.
    For more info, visit or email
Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, Ballynoe Road, Antrim, BT53 7HE.
Visits to the sanctuary are by appointment only - please email
Tel: 028 9446 5384
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