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                              It’s OK not to be OK.
Reach out for help when you need it.
AWARE is the Depression Charity for Northern Ireland offering support and education for people living with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
Established in 1996, we now have a network of peer-led support groups across the country, which are run by our trained volunteers. Support groups welcome people with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder as well as carers for people with the illness. AWARE delivers mental health and well-being programmes into communities, schools, colleges, universities and workplaces. These programmes take a preventative approach to mental ill- health and teach attendees techniques to look after their own
mental health and well-being. Our vision is of a future where people can talk about their mental health openly, access services appropriate to their needs and have the skills and knowledge to maintain positive mental health.
Never has it been more important to try to actively look after our mental health. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt by all of us across Northern Ireland and has taken its toll on our mental wellbeing. Changes in life circumstances,
especially circumstances that are out of our control, can create feelings of stress and may lead to some people experiencing mental health problems such as low mood, anxiety or even a mental illness such as depression.
Acknowledging when you are stressed, anxious or tired is the starting point to receiving the help and support you need. Talking to the right people such as family, friends and health professionals can often make a big difference. Whether it’s practical, emotional or financial assistance you

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