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                                 Here are some suggestions on how to include ‘Take 5’ in your daily routine.
Make an effort to stay connected with people around you – family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, other parents and if you are housebound then stay connected via online video chat, text or phone calls.
Build exercise into your everyday life. Try going for a brisk walk outside or do an online exercise class.
Try to focus on the present, savour every moment and enjoy time to reflect, take in your surroundings, be with your feelings, smell, taste, feel, touch, hear.
Sometimes when our circumstances change it is an opportunity to learn a new skill, do something you always wanted to do, engage your brain in a different way.
Giving to others makes us feel good, even a smile, a kind word, some encouragement or time to listen to others. Giving ourselves time to adjust is important too.
Remember, it’s ok not to be ok - talk about how you are feeling and reach out for help when you need it.
AWARE is here to support you. For full details of the services we currently offer, visit our website . Keep an eye to our social media channels over the festive period as we’ll be offering helpful messages and mental health advice.
need, putting these supports into place at an early stage will help you manage your stress levels, form healthy connections and keep well. When we listen to our mind on a regular basis, it helps us recognise the times when we might need some extra medical or professional support. If you are experiencing an unusually low mood that doesn’t go away after a couple of weeks, you should contact your GP and tell them how you feel. They will signpost you to the help you need.
We can help too. AWARE offers a range of services for those who are struggling with their mental health. In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we have moved a lot of our services online. We run weekly online support groups over Zoom as well as mental health awareness programmes and courses such as Mindfulness and Living Life to the Full which uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to teach participants how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions.
As we approach a festive season that is set to be a lot different than usual, we can take small but important steps towards looking after our mental health and wellbeing. Worldwide research indicates that the following are the most evidence-based ways of looking after your mental health. They are sometimes referred to as the ‘Five ways to Wellbeing’ or ‘Take 5’.
     Our offices are temporarily closed. For mental health support and information phone our Support Line.
The Support Line operates Mon - Fri 11am -3pm. Please call 07548 530931 or 07340 488254.
You can also email and a member of the team will get back to you.
                   OUR VIBE NI - CHRISTMAS 2020
          OUR VIBE digital magazine designed by Thunk Creative Design

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