P. 48

  We hope
to re-open on December 11th. If you wish to visit after that date, please check that we are open.
We uRgeNtly nEed yOur kiNd HelP!
        It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to inform you that we have been forced to close again due to the latest Covid-19 restrictions... just as we thought there might be a glimmer of hope. We are hoping to re-open on December 11th.
It costs a lot of money to feed and maintain World of Owls and once again we need your help. Please, if you can, could you spare even just £1 per week or month? Just £1 (or more if you could).
If all followers donated £1 per month we could possibly survive. Remember, NO-ONE at World of Owls gets paid!
We rely totally on our amazing team of volunteers and public donations. ALL proceeds go to the upkeep of the animals in our care.
Please help us to help them. Our work goes on 24/7 behind closed doors.
To everyone who has already contributed and continue to contribute, we are very grateful. Thank you so much.
If you can make a donation our bank account details are:
Sort Code: 95 04 31 Account Number: 80008761 or via PayPal:
  T: 028 9447 2307 E: admin@worldof W: 32 Mount Shalgus Lane, Randalstown Forest, Co. Antrim, BT41 3LE.
OUR VIBE digital magazine designed by Thunk Creative Design

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