Page 18 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 18


          IAADFS promises more flexibility and broader audience for

          2023 Summit of the Americas

              The International Association of   rooms have already been renewed by last   much more strictly confined to only duty
          Airport & Duty Free Stores opened   year’s participants.”            free.
          registration for exhibitors at the 2023   Payne said that the Association   “Today, travel retail has morphed into
          Summit of the Americas the first week of   has a general floor plan laid out, but has   something much broader; it is much more
          September – much earlier than last year   not laid out specific spaces yet so as to   of a mixture. We want to accommodate
          -- in the expectation that the recovery   accommodate requests.      that,” he said.
          underway and positive momentum from
          the 2022 event, will spur interest in   Networking                   Eliminating airport gate deliveries
          participating.                        The Association is also deciding   In other IAADFS activities, the
              The Summit will take place April   where to place a networking area,   Association is coordinating more with
          16-19, 2023 at the Palm Beach County   considering either in a hallway, within   other organizations to achieve certain
          Convention Center in Palm Beach, Florida.  a ballroom or in the room where they   changes. Working with Airports Council
              Michael Payne, IAADFS President   will hold the content sessions. In any   International, the IAADFS is trying to
          & CEO tells TMI that the organization   event, there will be a dedicated area for   eliminate gate deliveries of items bought at
          is looking to be flexible to accommodate   networking, Payne assured.   the duty free store, for example.
          as many requests as possible, and will be   “We want to be a little more flexible   “We would like Customs to do some
          opening the show to a broader audience.  than normal because it will take time for   demonstration projects, which will show
               “We wanted to start the process   people to figure out what they want to do.   that we really do not need to still have that
          earlier to give people a chance to make   But we want to work with them to help   requirement in place in the U.S.  Customs
          their decisions, and allow exhibitors   provide as good a return on investment as   has expressed some willingness to test this
          to get their spot. We wanted to get that   possible,” he added.      to see that they still get what they need out
          momentum going,” said Payne.                                         of [secure gate deliveries] but so do our
              Opening registration earlier also gives   Fewer content sessions, more industry   members,” said Payne.
          Payne the opportunity to speak to people in   partners                  “With the staffing and turnover
          Cannes during TFWA World Exhibition to   In response to the feedback the   difficulties going on in the airports these
          answer questions they may have.   Association got after last year’s event, there   days, gate delivery is just another burden
              Initial response was good, he said,   will also be a more streamlined education   that isn’t necessary.
          with 14-15 commitments for exhibition   program.                        “The stores and airports have to
          space received in the first week.     “Most likely we will hold only four   provide staff to provide the service, and
              Payne says that attendees will be   sessions, to allow more exhibitors and   some people do not trust the system and
          seeing a few changes from last year, when   visitors to attend,” noted Payne, who said   would rather not shop if they cannot take
          the Association tested a hybrid, abbreviated   it is partnering with organizations like   the item with them. Customs worries that
          format as the industry eased back in to live   Airports Council International (ACI) and   people will buy duty free and then pass
          events.                           the Airport Retail & Restaurant Association   it to someone domestically, but in many
                                            (ARRA) to put together the sessions.  international terminals there really is no
          Trade Floor returns                                                  opportunity to do that. ACI has been very
              The 2023 Summit returns to a more   Capturing more of the travel experience  instrumental in helping us get this issue
          traditional format featuring an exhibit hall   Payne notes that the IAADFS has   initiated,” he explained.
          in combination with a limited number of   also been having conversations with   Payne says that the IAADFS is also
          private exhibit/meeting rooms.    ARRA about doing more projects together,   monitoring several issues, including
              “The Palm Beach Convention Center   including opening the duty free show to   making sure that the revenue allocated to
          has a substantial exhibit area on the first   more ARRA members.     airports and operators from the CARES
          floor, which we had chosen not to use last   “We might incorporate some Food &   Act* is getting utilized properly.
          year. But we will use it in 2023 based on   Beverage exhibiters in the upstairs area.   “We are talking to the airport
          the feedback we got from exhibitors,”   There are now a number of companies   authorities to determine that those funds
          explained Payne.                  doing duty free, travel retail and food and   get to the operators they were meant for,”
              “Some people liked having the   beverage. And we think there will be others   he said.
          spaces spread around but most of the   as the industry tries to capture the whole   *The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
          exhibitors said they would prefer to be   customer experience,” he said. “With   Economic Security Act (CARES Act) is a $2.2
          in a more central location. So we are   ARRA’s engagement, we will probably   trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the
          working on designing a floor plan that will   have more interest among the F&B sector.”  116th U.S. Congress and signed into law by
          accommodate those who want stands. But   Payne said inviting more categories to   President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020.
          we are still going to offer the private rooms   exhibit could open the show up, especially
          that we did last year. A number of these   as opposed to 30 years ago when it was

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