Page 5 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course Chp.2 Manual
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Before starting the actual test, the testing center will provide an opportunity to practice
navigating through the test. This practice or tutorial session may include sample questions to
familiarize the applicant with the look and feel of the software, such as selecting an answer,
marking a question for later review monitoring time remaining for the test, and other features of
the testing software.
Knowledge Test Eligibility Requirements
✓ Authorization for the UAG test: Requires no instructor endorsement or other form of
written authorization.
✓ Acceptable form of authorization of the UGR test: Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small
Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) rating.
✓ Acceptable forms or retest authorization for BOTH tests listed above:
o Original passing Airman Knowledge Test Report (AKTR). NOTE: No instructor
endorsement or other form of written authorization is required to retest.
o Original expired AKTR