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P. 13

‫‪Mega Store B6‬‬                                                                                  ‫ﻣﻴﻘﺎﺳﺘﻮر ‪B6‬‬

      ‫‪The B6 Mega Store is located at the East side of‬‬                                   ‫ﻳﻘﻊ ﻣﻴﻘﺎﺳﺘﻮر ‪ B6‬ﻓﻲ اﻟﺠﺎﻧﺐ اﻟﺸﺮﻗﻲ ﻣﻦ ذا ﺟﻴﺖ‬
      ‫‪The Gate as shown below.‬‬                                                                              ‫ﻛﻤﺎ ﻫﻮ ﻣﻮﺿﺢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺨﻄﻂ‪.‬‬
      ‫‪The Total Area of the Ground floor is 2,964 m2‬‬
      ‫‪The Total Area of the Mezzanine floor is 1,482 m2.‬‬                                       ‫وﺗﺒﻠﻎ ﻣﺴﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﻄﺎﺑﻖ ا رﺿﻲ ‪ ٢,٩٦٤‬م‪٢‬‬
                                                                                             ‫وﻣﺴـﺎﺣﺔ ﻃﺎﺑﻖ اﻟﻤﻴـﺰاﻧﻴﻦ ‪ ١,٤٨٢‬م‪.٢‬‬
‫ذا ﺟﯿﺖ ‪10‬‬
                                                                                         ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬                      ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬

                                                                      ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬      ‫‪B3 B6 B4‬‬                                                   ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬

                                                                                  ‫‪A2 A2‬‬

                                                                                  ‫‪A1 A21‬‬

                                                          ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬                                                                                         ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻲ‬

                                                                                  ‫‪B1 A2‬‬              ‫‪A3‬‬  ‫‪A3 A2 B2‬‬

                                                                                         ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ‬            ‫اﻟﻤﺪﺧﻞ اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻲ‬  ‫ﻣﺪﺧﻞ‬
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