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         Sharing & embedding lessons learnt
As a learning organisation committed to continuous improvement we strive to share and embed lessons learnt through a number of means, which include:
 Sources of lessons learned
 Mechanisms to share lessons learned
  Ways to measure and assess impact of improvements
Local learning
Team meetings
Quality huddles
Incident debrief session
Staff information board
Datix reporter gets feedback when incident closed
Local Audit
Patient Feedback
Staff 1:1 meetings
Staff appraisals
Patient Safety Staff Surveys
Ward Managers Meeting
AHP Meeting / Hot topics
Harms Free Care Collaborative
CNS / HCA Forums
Newsletters/ Staff Comms
Change / updates to policies
        Organisational learning
Clinic-wide Audit
Reduction in complaints / trends
Reduction of harm in incidents
Patient Survey analysis
Decrease in incident trends
Outcome data
Quality Review Group
M&M Committee
Patient Experience Group
Patient Forum
Feedback Friday
Safety Bulletins / Safety Pulse
External stakeholders
Medical Advisory Committee
Specialty User Groups
Consultant Comms
M&M Committee
Governance communications
Patient Feedback
Consultant Feedback
Consultant Appraisals
External audits
Outcome data
  A more complete kind of care 19
         Staff manual.indd 19 11/08/2022 16:44
                            Improvements implemented and recorded

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