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Additional support for patients
The following are examples of the services we’re able to offer:
• Interpreters (spoken or sign) for those who don’t speak English as their first language, or are deaf or hard of hearing
• Portable induction loops are available in all departments
• Procedure-specific information in large print and screen reader version, as well as magnifying glasses or in more accessible language for those who require information in an easier to understand format
• Provision of paper or a whiteboard, and pen, to aid communication
• Longer appointments for patients who need more time (e.g. communication difficulties, learning disabilities)
• Booking, where available, the first appointment of the day when it’s quieter (e.g. patients with dementia or autism)
• Clinicians are able to record appointments and other sessions for those who struggle to retain information
• Private/quiet waiting areas for patients who find busy areas distressing (e.g. for patients with autism or a hidden disability)
To request a translator, or for assistance with any international patients, contact the International Office on 020 3219 3266 or email
Alternatively, contact Language Line on 0800 169 2880 to book an interpreter.
• A call from our Pre-Assessment team
m to patients
living with dementia, learning disabil
hidden disabilities, to carry out a per
ities or
assessment prior to treatment to ens
sure any necessary support is in place before arrival
for patients • Enabling carers, or family members, to stay
• Hospital visits prior to an admission f
who suffer from severe anxiety
overnight in the same room, or to at
tend appointments, if needed for support
• Chaplaincy services for all patients a
dedicated multi-faith prayer rooms in
nd have
n the hospital
• Wheelchair access to most buildings
s (excludes
145 Harley Street and 5 Devonshire P • Disabled toilets in all buildings
• Personalised care plans for patients
in the last days of life.
Visit the intranet for more informatio
on about our Safeguarding policy.
Staff manual.indd
A more complete kind of care 27