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      A renowned hospital & charity
We represent the best in personalised healthcare and
medical expertise
Founded nearly a century ago, with a guiding principle of delivering exceptional patient care, The London Clinic has grown to become the UK’s largest independent, charitable hospital. Our historic buildings house some of the most technologically advanced facilities and equipment in the UK. This enables our people, leaders in their professions, to provide an extensive range of medical services.
Our exceptional facilities include:
• Dedicated cancer centre, The Duchess of Devonshire Wing
• Europe’s largest independent stem cell collection unit • 11 operating theatres, including hybrid and robotics
• 13-bed Level 3 intensive care unit
• State of the art linear accelerators.
With a charitable purpose to do even more
Our charitable status is fundamental to our identity and how we operate. It gives our board of trustees the freedom to set an agenda that drives The London Clinic’s overall objective; to advance healthcare for the benefit of patients and the wider healthcare community, now and for the future.
We invest our surplus in three key areas:
• Pioneering medical technologies and life-changing research
• The development of our people
• Partnerships with organisations that help us to grow and
develop our services.
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                                     4 A more complete kind of care

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