Page 5 - The Royal Coronation Ceremony
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The Royal Coronation Ceremony
The Royal Coronation Ceremony is an ancient traditional practice to complete the
procedure of the enthronement of each King of Thailand, in order to ensure legitimacy and
formally complete the accession to the throne The archive on the Royal Coronation Ceremony
of His Majesty King Vajiravudh (Rama VI), or Chotmaihet Phra Ratcha Phiti Boromracha Phisek
Somdetch Phra Rama Dhibodi Siridra Maha Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chao Yu Hua,
chronicled this subject:
“…according to the traditional customs of this nation of Siam, a practical code was
followed from ancient days in order to complete the Kingship. Each king must attend to all
procedures of the Royal Coronation Ceremony. If the Royal Coronation Ceremony had not
yet been performed, although a successor to the throne was designated and moved into
Grand Palace, the palace would only be designated as an ordinary residence in that situation
and his name would remain the same with only the additional title of a Regent His order
was not yet called “The Royal Command.” Only when he had been purified with sacred
water in the Royal Ablution Ceremony, the “Song Phra Muratha Bhisek,” and when he had
received the Royal Regalia, these given from the chief Brahmin who conducted the ceremony,
only then would he become the official King. He must pass through the entire process of
enthronement to ascend to the position as the supreme sovereign of the country from then