P. 28

•  To elaborate in more detail

                Giving an example                    •  For example,...
                                                     •  A good example of this is...
                                                     •  To give you an example,...
                                                     •  To illustrate this point...
                                                     •  A case in point is..

                To depart from your plan             •  Just to digress slightly…

                Summarising and concluding           •  In conclusion,...
                                                     •  I'd like now to recap...
                                                     •  Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at...
                                                     •  If I can just sum up the main points...
                                                     •  Thank you for listening, does anyone have a
                                                     •  …and with that final point, I would like to finish
                                                     •  …and on that final point I end my presentation
                                                     •  So to summarise, 1…2…3…, thanks very much
                                                        for your attention
                                                     •  So the take home message from this talk today
                                                        is 1..2…3…
                                                     •  …Now I open the floor to anyone who would like
                                                        to add a question
                                                     •  … Now I am happy to take your questions…

                When passing over to a           ***I pass the floor to Fred*** please avoid this in
                colleague                        meetings where EVERYONE has said it!

                                                 …and now to the next speaker… Fred

                                                 …and to continue this theme we have Fred who will talk
                                                 about xxx

                                                  … and now over to Fred…

                                        I pass the microphone to Fred

                                                 …that’s all I have to say for now, so now we turn to Fred
                                                 …Fred will now carry on with the subject xxx
                                                 …the next subject will be taken up by Fred to discuss the
                                                 blah blah….

                Passing from a question to next  …So with that interesting point, this leads us nicely onto
                colleague (who will start his or   the next subject which fred will now discuss..thanks
                her presentation)                Fred.
                                                 …That’s an interesting question which I’m sure Fred will
                                                 be able to answer /or to develop  in his presentation

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