Page 3 - LeadershipRegistry2017
P. 3
Bronze Leadership Donors $1,000-$2,499 Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi Aaron E. Lorenz
Thank you. Your combined gifts create visionary impact. Jerry and Karen Holcomb Galen and Karen Lorenz
Chad and Kristie Holzer Laurie Lunzer
Dee Acker Teresa Carter Lyndsey DuBrock Mandy Hopper Patrick Lynch♦
Jay Adkins Rick Chandler Tim R. Dunivant Debra and Bruce Howard Jonathan and
Robert Alberti Andrew and Susan Chanse Steve Duvoisin Robert Hrivnak Alison Mallahan
Dr. Thomas and John and Andi Chatburn Cynthia Edgar Jeff and Dolores Humiston Rebecca Mallo
Carla Altepeter Robert C. Cherry Tammy A. Erickson Dave and Julie Huotari♦ Douglas and Janice Marich♦
Gregg and Shandra Amend Angus Chisholm Carrie Everman Steve and Mary Silkworth Mark and Elisabeth Mattke
Kim and Susan M Christenson♦ Sharon and Pete Fairchild♦ Burke and Lucy Jackowich Georgina Maulupe
Mary Kay Anderson♦ Kevin Christie Mike Faulkenberry Dave James Eryn McCulloch
Robert and Erik Church Steve Fazzari♦ Benjamin Johnson Linda and Jerry McDermott
Melanie Andresen George Mark Cipolla Kelley and Tracy Ferguson Evan Johnson Shawn McGovern
Helen and Jon Andrus Daniel Clark Tami Ferguson Ian and Angela Johnstone Scott and Janice McQuilkin
Nick Angeleri Sara and Josh Dan and Paula Fisher Linda Jones David and Anni Meyer
Michael Anzalone Clements-Sampson Cindy Fitzgerald and Scott and Vicki Jones♦ E. Susan Meyer
Lynne Arch Kelli Cler Lori Taylor Thomas Jones Kristine Meyer
Gina Armstrong Jeff Collins and Alton Flaa Tami Judge Debbie Mickschl
Shalena Vonne Armstrong Barbara Hoffman Roger and Patricia Flint♦ Aaron Julius Sally Miller
Arnold Family Thomas Conant Amber Forrester Stephen Jurich♦ Emily Mimnaugh
Mr. and Mrs. William Ash Mayor David Condon and Kelli Franco Gary Kaesemeyer♦ Steve and Judi Mitchell
Marvin Baird, Jr. Kristin Condon Dennis Fredrickson♦ Clint Kalich David Moeller
Brooke Baker Gregory Conley Deanna Freese David Kay Brian Moloney
Bob and Linda Baker Vicki Connors Shana V. Gail John and Valerie Keegan♦ Melanie and Michael Monek
Cindy Baker-Wood Kevin and Bobbi Cooke Matt and Tricia Galvano Steven and Dawn Keig Shaune and
Pete and Janet Banaugh Nelson Roger Cooke and Rebecca Gehret Lance Keller Holly Montgomery
Ben Bardell Judith Cooke John and Karen Geyer Sandra Kessler Craig and Kathy Moore
Olga Bardell Terry and Julie Cope Brad Gile Lynn Kimball Sharelynn Moore
Mistie Beasley Ammon Cordova Daniel Gillespie Stephanie King Jody and
Nancy Beauvais Kenneth Cornelison Kayla Golden Katherine Knox Steven Morehouse♦
Mark and Patti Benson♦ Robert Counts Carlos Gonzalez Kathryn Knudson Dan and Kathy Mork♦
Allison Bishop Elaine and Wayne Couture Ann Marie Gorman Paul and Mary Koenigs Seth Mork
Steve and Dianna Blaska Keith and Holly Cummings M. David and Stephanie and Colin Anderson Kevin and Carol Morrison
Rob Blume Lisa and Tony Curtis Patrice K. Gorton Kim Krieger and Thomas and Laure Moser
Jim Bowles Pat and Sue Dalton Michael and Michelle Grabicki Thomas Lightfoot Staci Moses
Jim and Valorie Bradley Rob and Miki Dammarell♦ Lois Green Kimberly Krogh♦ Tara Moses
Stephanie Brady Dale and Sheryl Damron Kelly Grieves Katharine Kumangai Kari Moyes
Jim and Christy Branson Darin Danekas Alan and Marla Grimsrud Larry LaBolle Adam Munson
Daniel and Jim and Val Davis Ryan Guhlke Bob and Dee Lafferty♦ KayCee Murray
Susan Bresnahan♦ Teresa Decker Shane and Rachel Hamby Anne Laflamme and Shannon Myers
Chris and Cindi Broom Wade Degeest Marya Hammer Jay DeWitt Brian and Jill Newberry
Ron and Barbara Brown♦ Carrie DeMarco Brandy Hansen Teresa Hurliman and Adam and Wendy Newman
Katy and Ed Bruya Steve and Sue Devaney♦ Michael Hansen Tim Lawhead Nancy Norbury Harter
Emily Burgess Timothy Devine Steve Harman Patricia Leader Steve and Debby Northrop
Nadine Burgess Laura DiBartolo Bob and Wendy Harris Cindy and Brian Leaver Julie Hustad
Betty Bush♦ Jim and Jane Diehl Melissa Hassett Jared Leeflang Kyle Olson
Christopher M Buttke Pat and Kathy Dix Connor Haugen Jennifer Lehn and Jeff and Gina O'Neill
Elizabeth Cain Brenda Dorman Kathy and Matthew Heaps Tom Wakeley Ms. Shelly O'Quinn
Brad Calbick Michael Dorsey Thomas Heavey Michael and Debbie Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Paurus
John and Sharon Cannon Bryan Downey Cody and Kelly Hewson Brian Lewis Scott Peterman
Stephen Carrozzo Gina Drummond Rob and Barbara Higgins Jay and Shelly Lewis♦ Robert Phelps and Ann Carey
Trond Liaboe Jeff and Kathie Philipps♦
♦ Diamond Donors have given to United Way for 25 years or more. Thank you for your consistency in Karen Livingston Rowena Pineda
giving, you power the work that Spokane County United Way does in our community. Gerald Lockhart Ken Plank
Emerging Leaders Society members create lasting change by volunteering, developing leadership
Thomas Edward Long Rod Price
skills, and supporting United Way initiatives to make an impact in our community.