Page 35 - The Hollows CSOI
P. 35

1. If the Lot Sale Contract is not finally negotiated, signed by all parties, and the earnest money posted as set forth above, this Conditional Statement of Interest will terminate.
2. Except as may be required by law, or to its own attorney, advisors, and existing or prospective lenders or investors, no party to this Conditional Statement of Interest nor any affiliate will disclose the existence of this Conditional Statement of Interest, names of the parties, or the transaction contemplated herein; or issue any press release or make any other disclosure to a nonaffiliated third person concerning the existence of this Conditional Statement of Interest or the matters contained herein without the written consent of each party.
3. Each party will pay its own expenses related to this Conditional Statement of Interest and the Lot Sale Contract.
4. If Builder, or any agent, employee, affiliate, contractor or consultant of Builder, enters the Lots for the purpose of planning or inspection it before execution of the Lot Sale Contract, Builder will indemnify, defend, and hold Developer harmless from and against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, or claims arising in connection with or out of such entry and inspection by Builder.
5. Developer and Builder each acknowledge receipt of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, which each such party accepts as legally sufficient to bind such party to perform the Binding Conditions.
Title: Date:
032318 THOLT
Builder CSI
A Texas limited liability company
Title: Manager Date:
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