Page 6 - 2024 CTT Title & Escrow Guide for Buyers & Sellers - Oregon
P. 6


                             KE Y ITEMS T O L OOK F OR ON YOUR

                                         P RELIMINAR Y REPOR T


                                               Are there any liens attached to the property? Types of
                             1                 liens include any recorded judgements includes past-due
                                               child support, unpaid homeowners association fees, or
                                               unpaid property taxes etc.


                             2                 Are there easements, covenants, or other
                                               restrictions on the report that can
                                               impact the way that you, the buyer, intend to
                                               use the property?

                                              UP -TO -DATE PRELIMINARY REPORT
                             3                 Is the Preliminary Report up to date? Should

                                               the report be more than a few weeks old,
                                               please contact us to see if there are any
                                               changes or supplemental reports that have
                                               been issued.

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