Page 15 - Snohomish Title & Escrow Guide
P. 15

MOBILE EARNEST                                    What are the benefits of Mobile

                 MONEY DEPOSIT                                     Deposit?
                                                                   startinHere Mobile Deposit allows
                 DELIVER EARNEST MONEY                             buyers to enjoy the safety and
                 IN SECONDS                                        simplicity of depositing their
                                                                   earnest money from the
                 startinHere is a secure, digital
                 workspace for home buyers                         convenience of their smartphone.
                 and sellers to engage with
                 Chicago Title as they begin                       How does Mobile Deposit work?
                 their real estate transaction                     With just a few clicks, startinHere
                 in a more secure and intuitive                    Mobile Deposit makes delivering

                 digital consumer experience.                      earnest money as easy as taking a
                                                                   picture of the front and back of a
                                                                   check. Deposits can be made as
                 startinHere Mobile                                the buyer completes the startinHere

                 Deposit is a contact-free                         questionnaire process or as a
                                                                   separate initial step.
                 and safe way to deliver

                 earnest money.

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