Page 10 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 10

Covid related Health In-           prefer continuing to work in the sec-  It blamed "significantly higher de-
                                            tor as it represents a respectable and  mand," supply chain disruptions, na-
         surance Claims drops               stable career, according to a survey.  tional bans on syringe exports and an

         In a relief to General insurance com-  Despite COVID-19 challenges, 68 per  unpredictable supply of vaccines.
         panies, Covid-related health insurance  cent of respondents indicated a contin-  The threatened shortage comes as
         claims have dropped with the second  ued preference to work in the sector.  the flow of COVID-19 vaccine doses
         wave of the pandemic.
                                            Of which 47 per cent were with more  increases after months of delays to the
         However, there has been a rise in non-  than a decade of experience, 45 per  African continent, the world's least
         Covid-related health claims and their  cent of freshers and jobseekers and 51  protected region with less than 6% of
         average ticket size has risen signifi-  per cent of frontline workers, doctors,  its population of 1.3 billion people fully
         cantly, said Bhargav Dasgupta, Manag-  expressed a strong affinity for the sec-  vaccinated. Just five of Africa's 54 coun-
         ing Director and CEO, ICICI Lombard  tor, according to "Checking the Pulse  tries are expected to reach the target
         General Insurance. If this trend contin-  of Healthcare Workers" report by glo-  of fully vaccinating 40% of their popu-
         ues, it could impact health insurance  bal job site Indeed.           lations by year's end.
                                            For 83 per cent of the respondents,
         According to Dasgupta, the insurer has  healthcare presented a stable, respect- Govt plans to invest Rs
         seen a 20 per cent increase in the aver-  able career and handsome remunera-  100 crore per district to
         age ticket size of these claims over two  tion, it noted.
         years, from 2019-20 to now, which is  Almost 31 per cent were motivated by  upgrade healthcare infra
         about 10 per cent compounded growth.                                  The government will invest Rs 100
                                            the humanitarian nature of the job
         "As Covid claims have come down, the  and a sense of purpose, while 22 per  crore on an average on every district
         frequency of non-Covid health claims  cent considered the profession as noble  pan-India to upgrade healthcare infra-
         has gone up. Some of the other infec-  and challenging, it added.     structure at the block level and pro-
         tious diseases have spiked this year  "The future looks as bright as the  vide improved diagnostics, treatment,
         such as malaria, chikungunya and den-  healthcare industry wants it to be - and  surveillance and containment mea-
         gue. Also, there was some amount of                                   sures for future pandemics.
                                            it largely rests with the employers in
         backlog of the elective surgeries that                                Union minister of health & family wel-
                                            the sector.
         have now caught up in this quarter,"                                  fare (MoHFW) Mansukh Mandaviya said
         he said adding that the ticket size of                                this was a part of the government's Rs
         claims has gone up for similar ailments.  World faces shortage of     64,180-crore PM Ayushman Bharat
         "We'll have to see if it's a temporary syringes as COVID vaccine      Health   Infrastructure  Mission
         increase or permanent in nature. This  doses rise                     (PMABHIM) to upgrade the country's
         could perhaps be because of additional                                health infrastructure. Investments un-
                                            African health officials and the United
         RT-PCR tests that hospitals have do or                                der the mission would be made be-
                                            Nations are warning of a looming short-
         some more procedures that they're fol-                                tween 2021-22 and 2025-26. The mis-
                                            age of more than 2 billion syringes for
         lowing, but hopefully that will stabilise,"                           sion seeks to plug the gaps in healthcare
                                            mainly low- and middle-income coun-
         he said, adding that if healthcare costs  tries around the world as the supply of  infrastructure and address the regional
         continue to increase at the level they  COVID-19 doses rises, and routine vac-  imbalances in facilities.
         are going up it could start impacting  cinations could be affected, too.  As a part of the programme, 79,415
         the premium for customers.                                            health and wellness centres have been
                                            The UN children's agency said the  set up across the country, and the fig-
         Despite challenges 68 pc           shortfall would affect up to 2.2 billion  ure would go up to 1,50,000 by next
         healthcare workers prefer          auto-disposable syringes that lock au-  year. Addressing a press conference,
                                            tomatically to prevent them from be-
         to continue in sector: Re-         ing used again.                    Mandaviya said 134 different types of
                                                                               tests would be done for free at district-
         port                               "We are not anticipating a significant  level facilities, which will not only save
         Even as the burnout rate is high follow-  supply shortage of the more standard  costs but also reduce inconvenience for
         ing the pandemic, 68 per cent of the  syringes used in high-income coun-  the poor. Critical care hospitals will be
         healthcare workers said they would  tries," the agency said in a statement.  set up in 602 districts.

          10  The Insurance Times, November 2021
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