Page 35 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 35

impact made on the insurance industry to arrive at, a   organizations have already made the required learning
         conclusion, as to whether Insurtech is really a disruptor. The  and are making many changes to their work-processes.
         following determinants, in my view, would at least be required  Determinants are also required to gauge the extent of
         for such an assessment:                                 this change.
         Y   It is yet too early to say how much of the Insurtech
                                                              Y  Any industry becoming more competitive is a positive
             presence has contributed to a significant premium   development as it leads to new product-innovation,
             growth or increase in turn-over for the insurance
                                                                 makes products available to a wider consumer-base and
             industry. Some estimates say that Insurtech is likely to  overall increases price-competetiveness which is good
             increase their premium beyond USD 556 billion by 2025,  for the consumer. So a determinant is also required to
             a 123% leap from the USD 250 billion in 2020. But more  assess how competitive has the insurance industry
             data over a period of time, is required to arrive at how  become after the incursion of Insurtech.
             much increase in overall premium figures, this translates
             into. More data is also required on changes in growth
                                                              It would be acceptable to experts, in my opinion, if an
             and profitability indices, before arriving at any opinion.  independent  rating organization with established credentials
         Y   Insurtech has as of now, increased customer satisfaction  were to rate the new and also the older and established
             and raised expectations with their new digitized  organizations, on these criteria, to arrive at impartial and
             offerings. Many of these products are low cost products  reliable findings for the benefit of the entire industry. Only
             which have increased affordability and also brought in  then would it be possible to assess the impact of Insurtech on
             inclusivity, as already described earlier.       the insurance industry and understand how much of
             With the increase of the customer base, awareness of  disruption have they actually caused.
             insurance is also growing globally. This is definitely
             beneficial for the insurance industry. It is to be hoped Conclusion
             that in the long run this will only increase penetration  Can it now be argued that Insurtech with their innovative,
             and inclusivity.                                 agile and digitally advanced work-processes are really being
             But it would of course, be necessary to go beyond the  over-rated by being called disruptors? While they must be
             business figures and other such general trends and also  evaluated dispassionately, rather than with euphoria, for
             reflect on the impact of Insurtech on the basis of other  bringing a breath of fresh-air into age-old work and thought
             factors such as changes in affordability of products,  processes, they have not yet taken the industry by storm,
             customer satisfaction, spread of insurance awareness,  and brought in sweeping and radical changes, as it were.
             increase of penetration and inclusivity. These would be
             the other important indices, findings on which would be  The insurance industry rather seems to be bestowing on  them
             required to come to a definitive conclusion.     the role of facilitators as other organizations are drawing on
                                                              their technological offerings and  other learning to revamp
         Y   One would also need determinants in respect of whether  and modernize themselves and increase their customer-base
             there has globally been any radical or significant change  and turnover.
             in the market-structure of the insurance industry. There
             are no Insurtech monopolistic, duopolistic or cartel-like
                                                              So a balanced view about Insurtech appears to place them
             market-structures emerging anywhere in the world, at  somewhere in between the two categories of disruptor and
             least at this point of time. But such changes may take
                                                              facilitator, for the time being.
             more time to crystallize.
         Y   Data does not support the contention that there has  References
             been a major adverse impact after the incursion of
                                                              O  What is Insurtech and why it is the future of the insurance
             Insurtech, on the traditional insurance industry in any
                                                                 sector. Blog post dated September, 20th 2020 available
             country. No old legacy insurer has been forced out of the  on
             business, as yet.                                   insurtech-future/en
             Rather, Insurtech has utilized emerging technologies,  O  10 Reasons Why InsurTech Is Going to Be Important. Blog
             which have been described at length, to revitalize this  post dated July 1st, 2021 available on https://
             sector. Old legacy businesses are slowly converting their
             methods as their survival is at stake. Other agile  to-be-important. T

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