Page 41 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 41

Leaders, whether they head businesses or smaller teams  a certain asset size. For insurance companies, risk compliance
         within an organisation, must therefore have the skills to  comes under corporate governance guidelines, as specified
         manage a crisis.                                     by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
         By integrating ERM education into the university curricula,
         we can help students develop risk competency from an early  With the Securities and Exchange Board of India expected to
         age.                                                 announce a risk regulatory structure for the top 1,000 listed
                                                              companies, these regulations may be extended beyond
         Such holistic education ensures an in-depth knowledge of the  financial institutions. As more regulatory bodies mandate the
         principles and practices of ERM and lays the foundation of a  appointment of risk committees and CROs, ERM
         risk-conscious approach in our future leaders.       qualifications/examinations will facilitate faster career
                                                              advancement for professionals and more resilient
         In the last few years, we have seen an increasing demand for  organisations
         risk-intelligent professionals. This demand has shot up further
         during the pandemic as businesses realised the importance Moving beyond finance
         of a risk-aware organisational framework. The aim is to ensure  Traditionally, risk compliance has been confined to financial
         that ERM is adopted as an integral part of organisational  institutions such as banks, NBFCs, brokerage firms or insurance
         culture and decision-making, instead of being an intermittent  companies. Consequently, risk management qualifications
         and compliancebased exercise.                        were pursued only by students who aspired to work in the

                                                              financial sector.
         Shifting focus
         With emerging risks from cyber-attacks, geopolitics, climate  However, with compliance structures now extending to non-
         disasters, terrorism, wars, and other corporate governance-  financial organisations, there is a push towards risk-embedded
         related issues, we will see an increasing focus on enterprise  corporate governance in different sectors. To facilitate this
         risk compliance, and a corresponding rise in demand for risk-  growing demand, ERM examinations that provide a pathway
         intelligent professionals. The inclusion of ERM in the higher  to Certified Fellowship (CFIRM) — provided by the Institute
         education curriculum can also improve the employability of  of Risk Management — should be included higher education
         graduating students.                                 curricula.

         A tightening compliance strucin ture, with strict enforcement  Under the NEP2020, students can opt for a second degree, in
         from regulatory bodies, has also added to the increasing  parallel with their primary course. This means that five-level
         demand for risk-intelligent professionals. For instance, the  ERM qualifications can also be pursued, along with almost
         Reserve Bank of India mandates the appointment of Chief  any graduation or postgraduation programme.
         Risk Officers (CROs) in non-banking finance companies beyond
                                                              Students and working professionals can opt for higher-level
                                                              qualifications as they gain experience and develop a deeper
                                                              understanding of the subject.

                                                              A robust economy demands that our emerging workforce be
                                                              capable of staying agile in the face of an uncertain business
                                                              environment. This demands a risk-conscious approach that is
                                                              deeply embedded within organisational structures. It has
                                                              become imperative for future leaders to equip themselves
                                                              with the knowledge of risks, as applicable to every aspect of
                                                              business. We must ensure that future professionals and
                                                              business leaders have the academic knowledge and the
                                                              competence to take decisions using a risk-conscious
                                                              framework. Towards this end, including ERM courses in the
                                                              Indian higher education curriculum would be the first step.
                                                              (Courtesy: Business Line) R

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