Page 48 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 48


         SC upholds 1700% hike in accident dam-               the compensation to be paid by the insurance company as
                                                              1.85 crore.
         A Supreme Court bench of Justices R Subhash Reddy and  HC sets aside insurer appointments by
         Hrishikesh Roy has dismissed an appeal filed by the National
         Insurance Company Limited against an order of the Madras BBB
         HC that enhanced the compensation paid to the family of  The Delhi high court has set aside appointments made by
         an accident victim by 1,700% from 10.4 lakh to 1.85 crore  the Bank Board Bureau (BBB) in public sector general in-
         based on Form-16, salary slip and other tax papers filed by  surance companies stating that the same is ultra vires of
         the victim's family.                                 the Banking Companies Act 1980. The order could have
                                                              implications for the board's role in the selection of senior
         On October 14, 2013, Subash Babu, a 35-year-old manager  management for the insurance industry.
         of a private firm, was killed in an accident while driving a car
         from Perumanallur to Erode. His wife and other family mem-  The order was in a petition filed by a senior executive of
         bers who were travelling with him escaped with injuries. His  National Insurance Company on the ground that the BBB
         wife, an eyewitness, told Tiruppur motor accident claims  is not a body competent to make the selections. According
         tribunal that a van which was going in front of their car  to the petition, the BBB is a banking body established un-
         turned right without showing any signal and their car  der the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of
         rammed against the van and her husband died in the impact.  Undertakings) Act, 1980.

         The tribunal, however, fixed 75% contributory negligence  "The very jurisdiction of BBB to make the selections to PSU
         on the victim based on police FIR, which blamed Babu for  general insurance boards is questioned and selection and
         negligent driving, and awarded Rs 10.4 lakh as compensa-  appointments set aside. In my view, this should equally
         tion by fixing Babu's monthly income at Rs 20,000 per  apply to CMD selections by BBB," said K K Srinivasan, former
         month.                                               member of insurance regulator IRDAI. Recently, the BBB
                                                              had shortlisted candidates for the post of MD in the Life
         Aggrieved by the order, the family moved the HC. In Au-  Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) as well.
         gust 2018, Justice N Kirubakaran and Justice Krishnan
         Ramasamy of the Madras HC quashed the order of the tri-  The petition also stated that the appointments committee
         bunal and held that since there was no rebuttal witness  of the Cabinet has no role in appointing an employee of a
         provided by the insurance company, the accident happened  public sector insurance company on the board as these
         only due to the negligence of the van driver. Taking into  appointments are made ex-officio. It also stated that the
         consideration the victim's tax records and pay slip, the court  board contains banking experts but none from the insur-
         fixed the victim's annual income at 12.3 lakh and computed  ance sector.

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