Page 20 - Insurance Times February 2021
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19. This, coupled with the pandemic-  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.7%  products. This is expected to partially
         led awareness, is expected to increase  during 2019-2023 against the 2.5%  insulate the decline in other business
         demand for life insurance policies.  growth  as  per  pre-COVID-19    lines. Changes in policies such as the
                                            estimates,  primarily  due  to  the  inclusion of hospitalization and death
         Ms Mekala  continues:  “Technology
         advancements is another area that has  economic uncertainty following the  benefits and teleconsultation costs for
                                                                               policyholders impacted by COVID-19
         gained more prominence. Due to the
         social distancing norms and regulatory  Sangharsan Biswas, Insurance Analyst  are expected to further supplement
         push, increasing number of insurers  at GlobalData, comments: “According  the  sales of personal accident and
         are shifting to digital platforms. In June  to the Singapore’s Ministry of Trade  health insurance.
         2020, Manulife Hong Kong launched a  and Industry, the economy is expected  Mr  Biswas  concludes:  “Despite
         virtual  face-to-face  agency  sales  to  contract  by  6-6.5%  in  2020.  controlling the outbreak, the economic
         platform  for  most of its  insurance  Consumer spending has declined by  recovery in Singapore is expected to
         product offerings.”                14% year-on-year during January to  remain  subdued.  Re-imposition  of
         Large insurers are also collaborating  August  2020,  which  will  lead  to  a  lockdown restrictions due to periodic
         with startups and insurtech companies  decline  in  premium  for  general  resurgence of the virus could limit the
         to remain competitive and enhance  insurers.”                         growth  potential  of  the  general
                                                                               insurance business in the near term.”
         customer experience. For instance,  The impact of the COVID-19 was most
         Manulife-Sinochem Life introduced  prominent  in  motor  and  property
         biological  age  model  (BAM)+  life  insurance  business  lines,  which Life insurance industry in
         insurance. The company collaborated  together  accounted  for  42.0%  of  Taiwan to reach TW$3.6
         with insurtech firm SCOR Global Life  general insurance premium in 2019.
         and ReMark to add BAM algorithm,   According  to  the  Department  of trillion in 2024
         which helps insurers in continuous risk  Statistics of Singapore, the wholesale  The  life  insurance  direct  written
         assessment thereby facilitating better  car sales witnessed a 31.8% decline  premium in Taiwan is projected to grow
         underwriting and competitive pricing.  year-on-year in the third quarter of  from TW$3.0 trillion in 2019 to TW$3.6
         Ms Mekala concludes: “Life insurance  2020. Sales of motor vehicles increased  trillion  in  2024,  according  to
         market will continue to grow, driven  by 7.5% in October 2020, reflecting an  GlobalData,  a  leading  data  and
         by greater deployment of technology  improvement in consumer demand,  analytics company.
         and  increase  in  demand.  Low    which  is  expected  to  support  the  GlobalData has revised Taiwan’s Life
         insurance penetration  in  emerging  growth in motor insurers premium in  insurance forecast in the aftermath of
         markets  will  drive  demand  for  the short-term.                    COVID-19 outbreak. As per the latest
         protection insurance while the aging  A  similar  impact  is  visible  in  the  data, Taiwan’s Life insurance business
         demography in mature markets will  property insurance business. According  is forecasted to grow at a compound
         create demand for post-retirement  to the Ministry of Trade and Industry,  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6%
         insurance products.”               construction sector declined by 46.6%  during 2019–2024 against the pre-
                                            year-on-year in the third quarter of  COVID estimates of 5.2%, due to the
         Singapore’s general insur-         2020, due to the closure of business  economic uncertainty triggered by the
         ance market to contract in         operations  and  weak  investment  pandemic.
                                            environment.  As  of  August  2020,
         2020 due to COVID-19               reopening of construction activities by  Shabbir Ansari, Insurance Analyst at
                                                                               GlobalData, comments: “In Q3 2020,
         Singapore’s general insurance market  the  government  while  upholding  Taiwan’s  economy  grew  by  3.3%,
         contracted by 1.9% in 2020, compared  health  and  safety  standards  by  which is faster than the other emerging
         to the 6.7% growth registered in 2019,  introducing periodic testing is expected  economies in the Asia-Pacific region
         according to GlobalData, a leading  to improve investor confidence and  like India and China. In addition, by the
         data and analytics company.        support property demand.           end of 2021, nearly one-fifth of the
         GlobalData has  revised Singapore’s  Personal accident and health (PA&H)  country’s population will be over 60
         general  insurance  forecast  in  the  insurance, which accounted for one-  years  of  age.  The  early  economic
         aftermath of COVID-19 outbreak. As  third of general insurance business in  recovery  clubbed  with  aging
         per  the  latest  data,  Singapore’s  2019,  is  expected  to  witness  an  population  is  expected  to  support
         general  insurance  business  is   increase in  2020 backed  by rise  in  the  life  insurance  industry  in  the
         forecasted to grow at a compound   awareness  for  health  insurance  country.”
                                                                       The  Insurance Times, February 2021
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