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14.   Silent Risk                                    17.4. Premium for the add-ons should not exceed 50% of the
               A silent risk denotes Industrial/Manufacturing risks  base premium for both Bharat Sookshma Udyam
               and Utilities located  outside the compounds of     Suraksha and Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha.
               industrial/manufacturing  risks  where  no     18.  Filing Procedure:
               manufacturing/storage activities are carried out
               continuously for 30 days or more.              18.1. The basic product along with the standard add-ons
                                                                   shall be subject to the File and Use procedure as
         15.   Premium                                             stipulated in the Product Filing Guidelines.
         15.1. The premium collected under Bharat Sookshma    18.2. Insurers shall carry out the filing (which includes the
               Udyam Suraksha and Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha      pricing approach) for the basic product along with
               shall be accounted under the Fire line of business.  standard add-ons on or before 28th Feb 2021.
         15.2. Where short-period scales of rates are laid down, it  18.3. Innovative add-ons shall be filed in accordance with
               shall be stated clearly in the Prospectus. Similarly, the  Clause 17.3 above.
               scales of refund payable to the insured when the
               insured requests for cancellation of the policy shall  19.  Underwriting Policy
               be mentioned in the policy wordings against the     Insurers shall carry out the required modifications in
               relevant clause provided for. The scales shall be part  their  Underwriting  Policy  bearing  in  mind  the
               of  the  filing  under  the  extant  Product  Filing  introduction of these policies.
               Guidelines.                                    20.  Training and Distribution
         15.3. It is not permissible to split sum insured of the same  Insurers shall ensure that the agents, intermediaries
               property under various policies for different periods  and other permitted distribution channels have the
               of  insurance  to  derive  advantage  of  deferred  necessary information  and  skills to explain and
               instalments for payment of premium.                 market the product. The required training needs to
                                                                   be imparted to them. For all online/ digital sales, the
         16.   Compulsory Excess/Deductible                        extant regulatory framework that is applicable shall
         16.1. Compulsory Excess/Deductibles shown under this      be scrupulously followed.
               policy will be applicable and cannot be increased by
               the insurers by any means.                     21.  Extant Product Filing Guidelines
                                                                   Other than what has been provided under these
         16.2. Excess/Deductible for in-built cover for Terrorism will  Guidelines, all extant provisions as per guidelines Ref.
               be guided by Indian Market Terrorism Risk Insurance
               Pool (IMTRIP).                                      IRDAI/NL/GDL/F&U/030/02/2016  dated  18th
                                                                   February, 2016 shall be applicable.
         17.   Add-on Covers                                  22.  Technical Audit
         17.1. All add-ons currently being used by insurers for the  The Technical Audit Department of insurer shall ensure
               Standard Fire and Special Perils (SFSP) Policy for risks  oversight over the underwriting of these products to
               that  fall  under  what  Bharat  Sookshma  Udyam    ensure compliance with these Guidelines, apart from
               Suraksha and Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha seek       compliance with the extant Product Filling Guidelines.
               to cover respectively shall be deemed withdrawn
               with effect from 1st April, 2021.              23.  Miscellaneous

         17.2. Innovative add-on covers may be filed by insurers for  Insurers violating any of the provisions of these
               both Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha and Bharat      Guidelines shall be subject to regulatory action in
               Laghu Udyam Suraksha.                               accordance with provisions of the applicable laws/
                                                                   other framework.
         17.3. However, these add-ons shall be filed in tranches. Not
               more than 5 add-ons shall be permitted to be filed  24.  Effective date of Guidelines
               on or before 31st March, 2021. Subsequently, within  These Guidelines shall come into effect on 1st April,
               the first 6 months of launch of the product, i.e., by  2021.
               30th September, 2021 the second tranche, which shall
               again not exceed 5 in number, may be filed. The rest  (Yegnapriya Bharath)
               may be filed subsequent to that.               Chief General Manager (Non-life)
                                                                       The  Insurance Times, February 2021
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