Page 60 - Insurance Times February 2021
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vi. Dr Khushali P Gambhir, Homoeopathic Physician,  decided by the parties in compliance to provisions of
                 Chennai                                         Regulation 31 of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations,
             vii. Dr  Manas  Kumar  Panigrahi,  Neurosurgeon,    2016. However, the insurers shall make efforts to have
                 Hyderabad                                       agreement with health providers on rates for treatment
             viii. Dr Arabind Panda, Urologist, Hyderabad        of Covid-19 similar to other diseases for which rate
                                                                 agreements are in place. Also, while entering into such
             ix. Dr Bagyam Raghavan, Radiologist, Chennai        agreements, the reference rate of GI council can be
             x.  Dr Pankaj Sharma, IRDAI, Member Convener        kept in view for guidance alongwith rates fixed by State
                                                                 Governments and Union Territory administration, if any
         4. Chairperson,  IRDAI  shall  be  Chairperson  of  the  and as relevant.
             Committee and  Member (Non-Life)  shall  be  Vice
             Chairperson of the Committee.                    3. All  the  insurers  are  directed  to  ensure  that  the
                                                                 “Reimbursement claims” under a health insurance policy
         5. Terms of reference for the Committee shall be:       shall be settled as per the terms and conditions of the
             i.  To examine the availability of the health insurance  respective policy contract. Hence, the insurers shall
                 products in the country in the light of the need of  honor all the health insurance claims as per the terms
                 the  Indian  Society  and  recommend  suitable  and conditions of the policy contract.
                 products and processes.
                                                              4. Insurers are advised to issue suitable guidelines on this
             ii.  To suggest approach on coverage of specific disease  to all TPAs.
                 or an area of practice (e.g cardiology)      5. This has the approval of Competent Authority.
             iii. To examine the extant health insurance product
                 structure in terms of policy conditions to protect  (D V S Ramesh)
                 the interest of the policyholders.           General Manager (Health)
             iv. To develop strategy on treatment protocol or rate  Filing of Half-Yearly PoSP Returns in IIB
                 structure  to  improve  affordability  of  health
                 insurance.                                   Portal
                                                              Ref. No:IRDA/INT/CIR/PSP/307/2020
             v.  To examine any other matter relevant to health
                 insurance sector.                                                               Date:30-12-2020

         6. The Committee may meet as often as needed and may  1. This has reference to guidelines issued by the Authority
             submit separate recommendations on specific issues  on Point of Sales Person (POS) vide its Circular Nos. IRDA/
             taken up.                                           Int/GDL/ORD/183/10/2015  dt. 26.10.2016, IRDA/LIFE/
         7. The tenure of the Committee will be one year.        GDL/GLD/222/11/2016 dt. 07.11.2016 No. IRDAI/INT/
                                                                 CIR/PSP/130/06/2017  dt. 05.06.2017 and No. IRDAI/
         8. This has the approval of the Competent Authority.
                                                                 LIFE/CIR/MISC/215/12/2019 DT.02.12.2019 wherein the
         (M. Pulla Rao)                                          sponsoring entities have been advised to submit data
         Executive Director, IRDAI                               pertaining to Point of Sales to the Authority.
                                                              2. In order to streamline the process of the submission and
         Communication on settlement of health                   generate MIS reports a provision has been made at https:/
         insurance claims against General Insurance              /   portal to upload the half yearly data.
         Council’s instructions dated 20th June 2020          3. Insurers and insurance intermediaries are therefore
         on “Reference Rates for COVID-19”                       advised to upload the Half yearly data on POS portal
                                                                 commencing from the financial year 2020-21.  The half
         IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/011/01/2021                           yearly data upto September shall be uploaded by

                                             Date:13-01-2021     31.01.2021  and  the  data  upto      31.03.2021    by
                                                                 30.04.2021.   In future the half yearly data upto 30/09
         1. Attention is drawn to the Circular ref: “Reference rates  shall be uploaded on or before 30/10 and data upto 31/
             for COVID-19 treatment” dated 20th June 2020 issued
             by General Insurance Council (GIC).                 3 by 30/4.
         2. In case of “Cashless Claims” under a health insurance  (Randip Singh Jagpal)
             policy, the claims shall be settled as per the tariff  Chief General Manager
                                                                       The  Insurance Times, February 2021
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