Page 13 - Insurance Times December 2020
P. 13

Health Insurance

         57% of COVID-19 claim re-          policies and claims amount because of  pendency Unit (HDU) hospitalisation

         mains unsettled                    the slow settlement in  some large  after being diagnosed with Covid-19.
                                                                               The CI benefit is 40% of sum insured.
                                            ticket COVID-19 claims.
         The data compiled by the General In-  Insurance companies allege that hos-  Commenting on the product launch,
         surance Council shows that general  pitals have been discriminatingly over-  Subhrajit Mukhopadhyay, Executive
         insurers are yet to settle and payout  charging patients who have a health  Director, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance
         57  percent  of  the COVID-19  claim  insurance cover and hence insurers  said, "We have always strived to cre-
                                            and looking into the details of these  ate relevant innovation, in line with the
         According to the data, general insur-  large claims.                  changing customer needs. Through our
         ance companies across India received  General insurance companies have al-  recent  customer  interactions,  we
         a total of 5,53,188 policies for claims  ready  made  provisions  for  these  realised that the threat of financial
         under COVID-19. Out of this, insurance  COVID-19 claims and now the payout  impact has made this disease even
         companies have settled 3,92,718 poli-  will reflect in their cash flows.  more daunting. People are worried
         cies which keep around 29 percent of                                  that a Covid-19 diagnosis will disrupt
         policies outstanding and pending for  Edelweiss Tokio Life Insur-     their savings and therefore their long-
         settlement.                        ance  launches  'Covid             term aspirations.  We want  to take
         The number of outstanding policies                                    away that worry from our customers
         may not look very big only till one finds Shield +                    through Covid Shield+ and let them

         out the amount of the pending claims  A coronavirus-focused health insurance  focus on a healthy recovery instead of
         behind these outstanding policies. The  plan  called  'Covid  Shield  +'  was  their finances."
         data further reveals that general insur-  launched by Edelweiss Tokio Life Insur-  The enhanced sum insured which can
         ers are yet to pay out around Rs 4,776  ance recently.                range from Rs 20-25 lakh gets trig-
         crore or 57 percent of the total Rs  It combines a critical illness benefits  gered once the insured person is diag-
         8,444 crore worth of claims and this is  and a term cover. The plan has a small  nosed with Covid-19.
         estimated to be the amount behind  base of 1.25 times the premium. The  If the insured person dies of Covid-19
         the 29 percent pending policies wait-  plan is activated after a one-time pay-  during  the policy tenure,  the term
         ing to be settled.                 ment of premium and carries 1-year  cover is paid to the family.
         If one looks at the top five states as per  tenure.                   "There were several factors that con-
         COVID-19 claims, unsettled policies lie  It is a single-disease cover that com-  tributed to this product design. While
         anywhere between  27-34  percent   bines critical illness benefits and term  ICU/HDU hospitalisation can be an ex-
         whereas  unsettled/pending  claims  cover. For a minimum premium of Rs  pensive affair, the peripheral and post-
         amount is between 56-60 percent.   5,329, the plan offers critical illness  hospitalisation costs for recovery are

         According to industry sources, there is  benefits of Rs 10 lakh 24 hours post  also significant. There is also a consid-
         a widening lag between the unsettled  Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or High-de-  erable risk of income loss if the bread-

                                                                      The Insurance  Times,  December  2020
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