Page 22 - Insurance Times September 2020
P. 22

In August-September 2019, motor in-  ket has grown from 27 per cent to 30  an even smaller proportion. But there
         surers saw sharp growth following the  per cent in a very short period, that is,  will be dent in profitability in the sec-
         roll out of the new Motor Vehicles Act,  between March and July.      ond half of the year," he added.
         which made purchase and renewal of
                                            Irdai is also looking at mainstreaming  "The loss ratio is expected to be higher
         auto insurance mandatory. They saw  the dedicated Covid-19 policies such as  by 8-10 percentage points for the full
         huge boost to their motor portfolio last  Corona Kavach, as the virus is showing  year if Covid-19 claims keep multiply-
         year and, therefore, the growth this
                                            no signs of receding.              ing at the current pace," said Bhaskar
         year will not exceed that of last year,"                              Nerurkar, head-health claims, Bajaj
         said Chhabra.                      Alamelu said, mostly consumers have
                                            opted to buy the policy for the nine-  Allianz General Insurance.
                                            anda-half-month period, indicating the  Digestive system-related ailments con-
         Digital health plan may cut
                                            fact that policyholders think the virus  stitute 15 per cent of health claims,
         insurance cost                     will not go away quickly.          infections make up for 13 per cent,
         The National Digital Health Mission -  Insurers face double           potential health hazards are another
         which aims to create digital health                                   13 per cent, and then there are other
         profiles of citizens - will not only be a whammy from Covid, non-     injuries and surgeries. In the initial
         boon for policyholders but also prove  Covid claims                   months of the pandemic, the fear of
         to be equally beneficial for insurers in                              contracting the virus had resulted in
                                            General insurers and standalone
         better pricing of products. Chances are                               people deferring their planned surger-
                                            health insurers are facing a double
         that prices of health insurance prod-                                 ies and hospital visits, resulting in gen-
         ucts could come down, after the adop-  whammy. With exponential rise in  eral and health insurers receiving far
                                            coronavirus-positive cases, reported
         tion of the mission.                                                  lower claims. But that trend has re-
                                            Covid claims have topped 200,000,  versed. And, so has the trend for
         In an address during Assocham's Na-  worth over Rs 3,000 crore, and are set  Covid-related claims. At the end of July
         tional E-summit on Health Insurance,  to rise further as cases explode. Fur-  31, insurers had received only 81,000
         T L Alamelu, member non-life, Insur-  thermore, non-Covid claims, which  claims. But as of September 8, the re-
         ance Regulatory and                were muted in the initial months of the  ported claims reached 193,000, indi-
         Development Authority (Irdai), said,  pandemic, have also picked up pace  cating doubling of claims in just a
         "The government has recently an-   and are more or less at pre-Covid lev-  month's time.
         nounced the National Digital Health  els.
                                                                               "The absolute numbers look scary as
         Mission and the insurers need to take  Although insurers feel loss ratios in the  far as claims from Covid and non-Covid
         advantage of this. They must encour-  health segment may get impacted,  ailments are concerned. But insurers
         age people to share health records on  and profitability will take a hit, capital  are also selling more health insurance
         this platform."                    erosion will not take place, at least for  policies now. So, business, too, has in-
         Currently, the pricing of health insur-  the large entities.          creased. And Covid claims constitute
         ance products is done mainly on past  "Non-Covid health claims are more or  only 10 per cent of total claims for in-
         experiences. All actuarial calculations  less reaching pre-Covid levels. The  surers," said Amit Chhabra, business
         are based on historical data. And, in-  Covid-19 claims were unanticipated.  head-health, PolicyBazaar.
         surers do not always have all the data  We have to see how the entire year  The share of health insurance business
         readily available while pricing prod-  plays out. There was some benefit of  in the Indian market has grown from
         ucts. This often leads to higher loss  discretionary claims not taking place in  27 per cent to 30 per cent in a very
         ratios for insurers.               the first three-four months of the pan-  short period (between March and July).
         Most insurers in the general insurance  demic," said a chief executive officer  And, public awareness on the need for
         space are struggling to make under-  of private sector general insurance  health insurance has grown exponen-
         writing profits, mainly due to pricing  company.                      tially in the past few months. This has
         issues.                            "At least for general insurers, capital  resulted in the health insurance seg-

         Alamelu also said that due to the on-  will not be too much of an issue be-  ment becoming the leading business
         going pandemic, the share of health  cause the proportion of health is 15-20  segment for non-life insurance compa-
         insurance business in the Indian mar-  per cent and retail health constitutes  nies. T

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