Page 10 - Insurance Times January 2024
P. 10

seeking specific information regarding  value and lower charges for life insur-  mium before surrendering the policy, a
          the general partners (GPs) backing Sa-  ance companies.              life insurance company is mandated to
          mara  Capital,  said  two  sources.  In  An exposure draft released by the in-  provide a specific surrender value to the
          March, Aditya Birla Capital had ap-  surance regulator pitched for a signifi-  policyholder.
          proved sale of 50% share capital in its
                                            cant increase in the surrender value  "There shall be a premium threshold
          insurance broking business to Edme Ser-  specifically for non-participating insur-  defined for each product, wherein,
          vices, part of Samara Capital group, an
                                            ance products. Some modifications have  there shall not be any surrender charges
          affiliate of Samara Alternate Invest-  also been suggested in the calculation  imposed on the balance of the premi-
          ment Fund, for 455 crore. The insurance  of surrender charges.       ums beyond such threshold limits, irre-
          broking business is providing advisory                               spective of the timing of the surrender,''
          services to companies, individuals and  In insurance policies, 'surrender' indi-  the exposure draft said. There are varia-
          reinsurance solutions to insurance com-  cates the voluntary conclusion of a life  tions in the threshold defined among
                                            insurance policy opted by the policy-
                                            holder prior to its maturity or before  the different products depending on
                                                                               their nature and design.
          IRDAI mulls lower charges,        the occurrence of the insured event.
          higher surrender value for        This will result in the cessation of pre-  Policy aid coming for insur-
                                            mium payment and the policyholder's
          life policies                     insurance cover. However, as the poli- ance sector
          IRDA has mooted a higher surrender  cyholder would have paid some pre-  A parliamentary panel is set to suggest
                                                                               policy measures for the insurance sec-
                                                                               tor to equip it to deal with the impact
           IRDAI sets up panel to increase banks' participation                of natural calamities on large infrastruc-
           in selling insurance products                                       ture projects, people familiar with the
           IRDAI has set up a high-level panel to suggest steps to increase the participa-  matter told.
           tion of banks for easy availability of insurance products across the country.  The standing committee on finance-
           Despite the large network of banks through their branches across the length  headed by former minister of state for
           and breadth of the country, the contribution of the lenders as corporate  finance Jayant Sinha has considered is-
           agents was 5.93 per cent of non-life premiums and 17.44 per cent of new  sues around reinsurance following com-
           business premiums for life insurance in 2022-23.                    plications in insurance claims related to
                                                                               the  Teesta  Stage  III  Hydropower
           IRDAI said banks are engaged in the distribution of insurance products as
           corporate agents and/ or as master policyholders subject to the applicable  project in Sikkim that was washed away
           regulatory framework.                                               by a glacial lake outburst.
                                                                               The power project, which was com-
           While banks have the option to set up a separate legal entity for the distribu-
                                                                               pletely washed down by a glacial lake
           tion of insurance products as insurance brokers, till date, such an option has
           not been exercised by banks, it said.                               outburst flood, was insured for Rs.
                                                                               11,400 crore by a consortium of insur-
           "One of the ways of reaching the last mile and making available insurance
                                                                               ers, including a public sector entity, but
           products to the nook and corner of the country is leveraging the vast bank  reinsurers capped the payout at Rs. 500
           branch network," the IRDAI said in a circular while setting up the taskforce  crore.
           on bancassurance.
                                                                               They cited the contract that provided
           To achieve the objective, the regulator said it is felt necessary to review the  compensation would be limited to Rs.
           existing bancassurance intermediation model and carry out modifications, if  500 crore in the event of glacial lake
           any, to the regulatory framework governing the same, with a focus on the  outburst flood (GLOF). Policymakers in
           protection of policyholders' interest.
                                                                               the government are worried that this
           The task force is headed by J Meena Kumari, Executive Director (Life), IRDAI.  could pose a serious issue for large in-
           The panel also has representations from banks and insurance companies.  frastructure projects and other hydro-
                                                                               power projects. Insurance premium for
           The panel has been asked to suggest regulatory stipulations on the market
           conduct requirements of bancas-surance partners, especially in view of  infra projects have already gone up.
           misselling/forced selling complaints in the distribution model.     "We have to come up with policy solu-

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