Page 4 - Communique - Raghnall Insurance Broking 21.9.20
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21.09.2020 / MONDAY                                                                                                Volume 1 I Issue No 3

           COVID UPDATE                                                                               PAGE 4

                                                               IMPACT ON HEALTH SECTOR:
            COVID  UPDATE  FOR                                 The costs of hospitalisation including the treatment during the
            INSURANCE INDUSTRY:                                quarantine period have to be settled by insurers as per the terms
                                                               and conditions of the policy. The Coronavirus is spreading fast in
        Coronavirus  (COVID-19)  emerging  from  China  has  now   India. For those holding a health insurance policy, the pertinent
        gradually  taken  over  the  entire  globe,  affecting  millions  of   question that comes to mind is, whether their claims will be
        people across the world. The pandemic has not only affected   settled or not and will their policy cover Coronavirus? Dispelling
        the survival of humans but has also threatened the survival of   all sorts of confusions, any person who is hospitalised as a result
        the world's biggest economies. The virus has forced countries   of Coronavirus and takes treatment will be covered as any other
        all  around  the  world  to  impose  lockdowns,  shutting  down   illness. The subsequent claims will be processed as per regular
        business  and  industry  for  a  prolonged  period  of  time.   norms,  provided  the  individual  has  been  hospitalised  for  24
        Companies both big and small, shops and even individuals, have   hours. The government has issued advisories on Corona virus
        incurred  a  major  hit  to  their  fiscal  status  due  to  business   infection and insurance companies will be guided by that.
        interruption losses. The losses caused due to the interruption   Incidentally, the IRDAI has recently issued a set of guidelines to
        are very likely to result in companies filing insurance claims to   be followed by the insurance companies in settlement of all
        reclaim their “Loss of profit”. Furthermore, the pandemic has   claims  arising  under  Corona  virus.  In  the  health  insurance
        not only affected more than 25 Lakhs citizens of our country and   policies that cover hospitalization expenses, in order to alleviate
        has also taken lives of more than 50, 000 Indians which gives a   the hardships that may be caused to the policyholders, IRDAI has
        peek into the upcoming                                 stated  that  all  claims  reported  under  corona  virus  shall  be
        h e a l t h   a n d   l i f e                          handled as per the following norms:
        insurance  claims,  will                               i) Where hospitalization is covered in a product, insurers shall
        increase  in  premium                                  ensure that the cases related to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
        rates  and  legal  suits                               need to be expeditiously handled.
        that  the  insurance                                   ii) The costs of admissible medical expenses during the course of
        industry might have to                                 treatment including the treatment during the quarantine period
        face. The pandemic has                                 have to be settled in accordance with the applicable terms and
        pushed  businesses                                     conditions of the policy contract.
        across  sectors  to                                    iii) All the claims reported under COVID 19 shall be thoroughly
        change the way they operate and the insurance industry is no   reviewed by the claims review committee before repudiating
        exception.  From  selling  new  policies  to  settling  claims,  the   the claims.
        extended  lockdown  in  the  wake  of  covid-19  has  pushed   The  regulator  has  also  asked  insurers  to  design  products
        insurance  companies  to  depend  heavily  on  their  digital   covering  the  costs  of  treatment  for  Corona  Virus  similar  to
        architecture.                                          products  introduced  by  them  for  various  specific  diseases
        A  report  by  professional  services  firm  PwC,  titled  Covid-19:   including vector-borne diseases. If Coronavirus is declared as a
        Impact  on  the  Indian  Insurance  Industry,  says  that  the  two   pandemic by WHO or Indian government, then claims may or
        productive months for the insurance industry—March for life   might not be payable as such claims are excluded under many
        insurance and April for non-life corporate renewals—have been   health insurance policies. As of now, Coronavirus is fully covered
        hit by around 30% and 15%, respectively. It further emphasizes   in the newly introduced 'Corona Kavach' Policies by PSUs and a
        the changes insurers will have to bring about in terms of their   good lot of other Health Insurance Products being introduced by
        product  categories.  According  to  the  report,  private  health   the Private Players as most of them even not even considered as
        insurance schemes cover only 18% of the population in urban   a pre-existing ailments. Therefore, there is no waiting period
        areas and a little over 14% in rural areas. Since the risk of covid-  specific  to  such  ailments  are  mandated  in  those  products
        19 is not currently priced under active products, these claims   covering Covid 19.
        may cause an additional burden on the books of insurers if
        treated outside government hospitals. In General Insurance a   Our
        large proportion of Insurance Industry is simply dependent on   Corporate Office:
        industries and businesses such as automobile, travel, hotels
        and infrastructure. So challenges in General Insurance Sector   301B, Raheja Chambers, Free Press Journal
        arising out of lockdown could create additional requirements to   Marg,Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
        be resolved by them with IRDAI, for the interest of our nation.
                                                                         IRDA License No : 536
                                                                             Expire Date: 23/08/2021
         Phone :022-40031169  /  022-40167681 Fax :022-61571959 Email  Direct Broker (Life & General Insurance)
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