Page 55 - The Insurance Times August 2024
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The insurance company said that the policyholder who passed  owing  to  fraudulent  behavior,  did  not  apply  to  the
          away had concealed a past brain injury from a car accident  concealment of a prior hospitalization resulting from a car
          that occurred a year before the policy was obtained. The  accident. As a result, the insurance company was ordered
          insurance provider also contended that failure to provide this  to pay the complainant Rs. 1,00,00,000, which is equal to
          important information constituted a breach of the 1938  ten times the annualized premium or 105% of the premium
          Insurance Act and the terms of the insurance contract. Section  paid as of the date of death, plus interest at the rate of 9%
          45 of the Insurance Act, which permits repudiation of a policy  per year starting on the date the claim was submitted.
          within three years of the date of issuance in circumstances of
          fraud or non-disclosure, was used by the insurance company  Gurdaspur District Commission Holds
          as justification for its rejection of the claim. Moreover, the
          insurance contended that the complainant could not qualify as Punjab Gramin Bank And Bajaj Allianz
          a "consumer" under the customer Protection Act since they  Life Insurance Liable For Deficiency In
          were not beneficiaries under the insurance policy. Additionally,
          the insurance company produced documentation of the Service For Misappropriation Of Cheque.

          deceased's hospitalization for a brain injury sustained in an
          earlier accident, arguing that this history had not been revealed  Surjit Singh vs Punjab Gramin Bank and Anr.
          when the policy was obtained. The insurance provider stressed  Summary
          that the repudiation of the claim was in compliance with the  The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in
          regulations and the conditions of the insurance policy. It claimed  Gurdaspur, Punjab, found Punjab Gramin Bank and Bajaj
          that because the policy only covered Rs. 1 crore instead of Rs.  Allianz Life Insurance Company accountable for unfair trading
          2 crore in the event of an accidental death, the complaint had  practices and service deficiencies. The insurance company
          exaggerated the claim amount.                       neglected to process a cheque for Rs. 46,645, which was

          The insurance company claimed that the complainant was  supposed to be given to the complainant after the insurance
          not a "consumer" as defined by the customer Protection  policy matured. The complainant, Surjit Singh, obtained a life
          Act; however, the NCDRC refuted this claim. According to  insurance policy from the bank and was advised to contact
          the terms of the agreement between the insured and the  the insurance company after the policy matured. The
          insurer, the NCDRC determined that the nominee under an  insurance company refuted the complainant's accusations,
          insurance policy is the legitimate recipient of the benefits  arguing that the complainant had already received a cheque
          under the policy. The NCDRC supported the idea that  for the matured amount. The District Commission found that
          beneficiaries of policies taken out by the insured are also  the bank and insurance company had not paid the amount,
          'consumers' under the Act, even though they are not parties  leading to the plaintiff's compensation for mental suffering,
          to the insurance contract, by citing the Canara Bank Vs. M/  harassment, legal expenses, and interest.
          s. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. & Ors. CA No.1042 of 2020  About the case
          in SLP (Civil) No.20393 of 2018 case. The NCDRC noted that
          hospitalization for a car accident-which was not disclosed  Punjab Gramin Bank and Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
                                                              Company were found accountable by the District Consumer
          in the application form-should not be interpreted as a way
                                                              Disputes Redressal Commission, Gurdaspur (Punjab) bench,
          to hide a prior sickness or condition. The NCDRC stressed
          that the purpose of the complainant's son's medical  which was made up of members Bhagwan Singh Matharu
          examination was to find  out  about any pre-existing  and President Lalit Mohan Dogra,  for  unfair trading
          conditions, and that failing to disclose a prior auto accident  practices and service deficiencies. As per the agreement,
                                                              the Bank and the Insurance Company neglected to process
          did not constitute fraudulent concealment. The NCDRC
          observed that the insurance claim pertaining to the same  the cheque for Rs. 46,645 that was supposed to be given to
                                                              the Complainant after the insurance policy matured.
          incident had been authorized by Life Insurance Corporation
          of  India  (LIC),  another  insurance  firm,  without  any  Through  Punjab  Gramin  Bank  ("Bank"),  Surjit  Singh
          objections. This information suggested that the claim could  ("Complainant") obtained a life insurance policy from Bajaj
          not be rejected on the grounds that the prior accident had  Allianz Life Insurance Company ("Insurance Company") via
          not been disclosed. The insurance company's argument for  the  bank.  The  complainant  said  that  the  bank  had
          repudiating the claim based on section 45 of the Insurance  recommended that he purchase an insurance policy for Rs.
          Act of 1938 was denied by the NCDRC. The NCDRC ruled  10,000 annually. He paid the premium in accordance with
          that Section 45, which deals with the repudiation of claims  the provisions of the policy, and he went to the bank to

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