Page 9 - Insurance Times April 2023
P. 9

IRDAI to roll out State in-      IRDAI orders insurers to           of product be narrowed down. "The in-
                                                                               surers are directed to put in place a
           surance plans soon               cover PwDs, AIDS                   Board approved underwriting policy
           IRDAI will soon rollout insurance  IRDAI has ordered insurance companies  that ensures that no proposal from the
           plans for all States along with identi-  to "mandatorily" launch an appropri-  above-mentioned categories of popu-
           fying a lead insurer for each district.  ate product offering health insurance  lation is denied for reasons of the above
                                            cover for certain vulnerable sections of  stated disabilities or illnesses," IRDAI
           "This will be a major initiative to im-
                                            society - persons with disabilities (PWD),  said.
           prove the penetration of insurance
                                            persons afflicted with  HIV/AIDS and
           by involving the insurers and State                                 The policy tenure of the product should
                                            those with mental illness - "immedi-
           governments. The idea is to replicate                               be for a period of one year and renew-
           financial inclusion drives including                                able as per regulatory framework al-
           the lead bank scheme in the banking  In its latest circular, IRDAI said every  ready laid down. The standard product
           sector," a senior official of IRDAI told.  general and stand-alone health Insurer,  should comply with all the provisions of
                                            who has been issued a Certificate of  IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations,
           The insurance regulator has already
                                            Registration to  transact general and  2016, all other applicable Regulations
           taken up the matter with the States
                                            health insurance business, should "man-  and other applicable guidelines and
           to be part of the programme, which
                                            datorily launch and offer their respec-  circulars as amended from time to time.
           is likely to be launched formally in the
           ensuing new financial year. "Most of  tive product immediately". "It is reiter-  "The insurers may determine the price
           the States have already expressed  ated that this circular should come into  of the product subject to complying with
           their consent and the work is in  force with immediate effect," the regu-  the  norms  specified  in  the  IRDAI
           progress,'' the official said.   lator said.                        (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016
           The regulator had also discussed the  In October 2022, IRDAI had directed  (HIR,  2016)  and  guidelines  and
           matter with the insurers , which is  insurance companies to provide cover  circulars," it said.
           'eager' to take part as it augurs well  for mental illness under health insur-
           both for the social security of the  ance policies before October 31, 2022. DFS firms up Insurance Act
           people as well the business growth  However, insurers have not made any  amendment proposals
           of the insurers, he said.        progress in launching such a scheme,
                                                                               The much anticipated fresh round of
                                            forcing the regulator to issue another
           A State level co-ordination commit-                                 insurance reforms may be round the
           tee consisting of insurers, State gov-                              corner with the Department of Finan-
           ernment officials and representa-  IRDAI has also prescribed a model set-  cial Services (DFS) in the Finance Minis-
           tives of the regulator will monitor the  ting out the minimum scope and param-  try now having firmed up the amend-
           implementation of the State insur-  eters for design of the product. In other  ment proposals to the Insurance Act and
           ance plans with monitoring by nodal  words, insurers may widen the scope of  IRDAI Act, a top Finance Ministry offi-
           officers.                        this product but in no case can the scope  cial indicated.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  April 2023     9
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