Page 28 - The Insurance Times November 2024
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exclusion clause are to be construed against the insurer and  policy clearly specify "Limitation of use", which indicate that
         held that the deceased cannot be treated as regular em-  policy was meant to cover only carriage of goods defined
         ployee, especially in view of the fact the wording 'in the  within the meaning of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. The Hon'ble
         course of' immediately before 'employment' can only meant  court upheld the rejection of claim by the insurer.
         for the person regularly employed by the employer.
                                                              In United India Insurance Co. Ltd Vs. Orient Treasures (P)
         Limitation  to  the  Rule  of  Contra                Ltd, the Hon'ble Supreme Court upheld the repudiation of
                                                              claim of the insured on the ground that ornaments /
         Proferentem                                          jewelries were found to have been kept on the display win-
         In the case of Suraj Mal Ram Niwas Mills (P) Ltd Vs. United  dow and sales counter at the time of the burglary, contrary
         India Ins. Co. Ltd., the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that  to 'Jewelers Block Policy' which require insured to keep them
         while construing the terms of a contract of insurance, the  in safe after business hour. The Court held that the loss
         words used therein must be given paramount importance,  caused to insured is excluded.
         and it is not open for the court to add, delete or substitute
         any words. Therefore, the endeavor of the court should al-  Main Purpose Rule
         ways be to interpret the words used in the contract in the
         manner that will best express the intention of the parties.  The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of B.V.
                                                              Nagaraju Vs. Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., while de-
         In the case of Vikram Green Tech(I) Ltd Vs. New India As-  ciding the issue, whether the alleged breach of carrying
         surance Co. Ltd, the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that an  passenger in goods vehicle more the number permitted in
         insurance contract, is a species of commercial transactions  terms of the insurance policy is so fundamental breach, so
         and must be construed like any other contract to its own  as to afford ground to the insurer to eschew liability alto-
         terms. In the case of Sikka Papers Ltd Vs. National Insur-  gether held that the exclusion clause of the insurance policy
         ance Co. Ltd, the Hon'ble supreme Court held that the court  must be read down so as to serve the main purpose of the
         while construing the terms of the insurance policy is not  policy on the ground that carrying of extra passengers could
         expected to venture into extra liberalism that result in re-  not be contributed to the accident.
         writing the contract or substitute the terms which were not
         intended by the parties.                             The Supreme Court recently, in National Insurance Company
                                                              Ltd. v/s Vedic Resorts & Hotels Pvt. Ltd. , has held that the
         In the case of Export Credit Guarantee Corp. of India Ltd  burden of proof to show that a particular case falls within an
         Vs. Garg Sons International, the insured purchased a policy  exclusion clause lies upon the Insurer. In this case the Insurer
         for the purpose of insuring shipment to a foreign Buyer. The  issued two policies to the Insured, one to cover the building,
         Foreign Buyer defaulted in payment in making payment and  plant, machinery, accessories and furniture and the other for
         claim was rejected on the ground that the insured failed to
         communicate about the default made by the foreign buyer
         within the stipulated time frame and non-compliance of the
         said clause exonerate the insurer of all liability. The Supreme
         Court upheld the rejection of claim and held that the insured
         cannot claim anything more than what is covered by the
         insurance policy. The terms of the contract have to be con-
         strued strictly, without altering the nature of the contract
         as the same may affect the interests of the parties ad-

         In  the  case  of  Oriental  Insurance  Co.  Ltd  Vs.  Sony
         Cheriyan, the insured obtained a policy for their truck, which
         caught fire while the same on its way carrying Ether Sol-
         vent. The insured rejected the claim on the ground breach
         committed by the insured by carrying hazardous goods. The

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