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insurance: valued policy and unvalued policy. Unvalued policy  recovered by reason of the high valuation of hull. It was
         (section 30 of MIA 1963) does not specify the value of the  admitted that it would be a great deal better for the
         subject matter insured but sets a limit of the sum insured.  shareholders if the ship were lost.
         This policy is similar to other kinds of insurance policies like
         fire, medical, etc. However, in actuality, choosing the valued  If she completed the voyage she would earn £2400 freight,
         insurance policy is the modern trend. Valued policy insurance  and be worth herself some £9000, in all £11,400. If she were
         is an insurance policy where the value of the subject-matter  lost her owners and agents stood to receive £35,600, less a
         insured is specified or mutually agreed upon by both parties  sum of £2400 freight already paid. Their theory of insurance
         while making the contract. This effectively allows the insurer  was to insure the original capital of the company which
         and insured to negotiate the insurable value of the subject  owned her and add to that the debts of the company.
         matter between themselves, however, it may be very
         difficult for them to ascertain the value accurately.  The master of the ship had not been to the sea for twenty-
                                                              two years, being employed on shore as a stevedore, and on
         The hull of a vessel was insured for a specified voyage  the last occasion when he was at sea his ship had been lost
         undervalued policies for a sum considerably in excess of her  and his certificate suspended for six months. The captain of
         market value. There were also taken out concurrent policies  the vessel on the voyage in question was A. W. Sember. The
         on freight and disbursements for sums out of all proportion  “Gunford” sailed from Hamburg on the 12th October 1907,
         to the risks at stake. The managing owner (who had carried  with a full cargo of patent fuel, coke, and 13 tons machinery,
         through the insurances) also effected on his own behalf  on a voyage round Cape Horn to Santa Rosalia. In the course
         further insurances for a large sum, the policies in respect of  of this voyage, upon the incidents of which was not well
         disbursements and the managing owner's own policies being  logged in, she, on the 10th December 1907, went ashore
         ‘honour’ policies. The vessel proceeded on the voyage in  near Cape San Roque and became a total loss.
         charge of a master who had not been to sea for twenty-
         two years, who had lost his last ship, and whose certificate  The underwriters of the hull were not informed of the
         had in consequence been suspended for six months. The  master’s record, nor of the freight and disbursements
         vessel was wrecked and became a total loss.          policies or the policies on behalf of the manager.

         The Gunford Ship Company Limited & Liquidator with   In the Court of Session, 16th July 1910, The vessel having
         Thomas Greig Hardie (the pursuers) bought a legal action  become a total loss, and the owners suing under the policies
         against Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Company     on the hull, held, affirming judgment of the First Division,
         Limited (the defenders) seeking payment of 2000 pounds  (1) that as the master’s competency was covered by the
         underwritten by the defenders. If the insurances be split up  warranty of seaworthiness there was no duty on the
         they were as follows:—Upon hull, £19,000; on freight,    owners to disclose to the underwriters his record,
         £5500, the freight for the voyage being about £4800, of
         which one-half had been paid in advance and was not at  (2) that in the circumstances the master was not proved
         risk; on disbursements P. P. I. policy worth £4600, and  to have been incompetent so as to put the owners in
         additional on hull and disbursements (including debts of ship  breach of the warrant of seaworthiness; but, reversing
         to her managing owners and others) against total loss,   judgment of the First Division,
         £6500. The Gunford was launched at the shipyard of Scott
         & Co., Greenock, for Briggs, Harvie & Co., Glasgow in  (3) that there was a duty on them to disclose the other
         October 1892. She was sold to Francis Briggs & Co., Glasgow.  policies  of  insurance,  these  being  material
         In 1897. The “Gunford” Shipping Company, Limited, was    circumstances which would influence the mind of a
         managed by Francis Briggs, by whom all the business of the  prudent insurer in fixing the premium and determining
         ship, including the employment of her officers and the   whether he would take the risk, and that the policies
         effecting of insurances, was transacted.                 were therefore voidable and the underwriters not
         The actual value of the hull was about £9000. No insurable
         interest could be shown in respect of the greater part of  The defenders or appellants, the Thames and Mersey
         the  items  stated  to  have  been  insured  under  the  Marine Insurance Company, Limited, appealed to the House
         odenomination of disbursements, and full indemnity for  of Lords.
         actual disbursements would, in the event of loss, be
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