Page 6 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 6

surance cover of Rs 1 lakh to be pro-  Arjun Sharma, practice leader (sports,  After the embargo of Russian oil and
          vided to the devotees in case of death  events & entertainment) at Gallagher  tankers, the EU and the United King-
          on the temple premises of Char Dham  Insurance Brokers.              dom agreed to impose a ban on provid-
          located in Uttrakhand.                                               ing insurance to any ships carrying Rus-
          "This is the first time when insurance UK  insurance  broker         sian oil imports anywhere in the world.
          cover is being provided to the pilgrims.                             Officials hope to have this in place by
                                            Howden to buy 100% in
          Letters have been sent to the sub divi-                              the end of the year, effectively shutting
                                            Indian arm
          sional magistrates of Joshimath (for                                 out one of the largest crude oil produc-
          Badrinath), Ukhimath (for Kedarnath),  UK-headquartered insurance  broker  ers from the maritime export market.
          Badkot (for Yamunotri) and Bhatwadi  Howden will increase its stake in its  Without insurance, tankers would be
          (for Gangotri). They have been asked  Indian arm from 49%  to 100%. The  turned away from global ports.
          to inform the committee in case of any  group, the largest non-US broker glo-
                                                                               But while EU officials are celebrating
          mishap on the temple premises. After  bally, has received regulatory approval
                                                                               a win, some analysts warn of the wider
          the report from the SDM concerned,  for the transaction.
                                                                               economic consequences of clamping
          the  BKTC  will  initiate  the  further
                                            Speaking,  Howden  India  Insurance  down on an industry critical to inter-
          course of action," said Ajendra Ajay,
                                            Brokers chairman Praveen Vashishta  national trade.
          chairman of BKTC. He further informed
                                            said that the increase in stake to 100%
                                                                               "The restrictions on the insurance are
          that this year's insurance premium has
                                            would allow  the company to pursue
                                                                               very specific, as it's a distinct market,
          been provided by Manav Utthan Sewa
                                            inorganic growth by bringing in more
                                                                               maritime  insurance,"  Nikolaos
          Samiti, a trust run by tourism minister
                                            capital. Although Vashishta did not di-
          Satpal Maharaj.                                                      Farantouris, Professor of Law at the
                                            vulge the deal size, the transaction is
                                                                               University  of  Piraeus,  told  CGTN.
          "From next year onwards, we aim to  expected to be in millions of dollars
                                                                               "That's why many analysts, including
          increase the scope of the project, and  given that the company ended March
                                                                               myself,  believe  there  will  be  an  in-
          either the committee or the state gov-  2022 with Rs 125 crore of income and
                                                                               crease in price in the near future, and
          ernment will pay for the premium,"  Rs 34 crore of earnings before interest,
                                                                               it's possible to see the price of a barrel
          the chairman said. He also stated that  taxes, depreciation and amortisation
                                                                               reaching close to 135 dollars."
          the insurance has been done through  (ebitda).
          United India Insurance Company Lim-                                  United  India  Insurance
                                            The company now targets to double
          ited in Dehradun.
                                            business  organically  by  FY26  and  may be first up for sell-off
                                            achieve Rs 250 crore of income after
          Washed out T20 match to                                              United India Insurance could be the
                                            increasing employee headcount from
                                                                               top choice for privatisation as the gov-
          claim Rs. 45 crore                250 to 400. In India, Howden has built
                                                                               ernment initiates discussions on plans
                                            a reputation of being an arranger of
          The fifth and final T20 cricket match                                to sell a general insurance company.
                                            speciality insurance covers.
          between India and South Africa, which
                                                                               According to sources, the Centre is ini-
          was  abandoned  because  of rain, is
                                                                               tiating work on the privatisation of a
          likely to  trigger claims  of Rs  40-45 European  Union  to ban
                                                                               public sector general insurer.
          crore. In a  sign  of  the  maturing of
                                            insurance for tankers that
          event insurance business in India, com-                              "United India Insurance is being seen
          panies are still willing to cover events carry Russian oil           as the first candidate for privatisation
                                                                               in the general insurance sphere. The
          for up to Rs 150 crore even as many  The European Union's (EU) announce-
                                                                               Centre could go in for an Air India-kind
          global underwriters are retiring hurt.  ment of its sixth package of sanctions,
                                                                               of stake sale, "said a person close to
                                            including a partial ban on Russian oil
          "The  international  event  insurance
                                                                               the development.
                                            imports, was hugely significant. Foreign
          market was severely hit following the
                                            policy chief Josep Borrell called it "a big  While discussions have already started
          pandemic. It  was  not  just sporting
                                            blow to (Vladimir) Putin's war chest."  on the privatisation of a general insur-
          events like the Olympics or Wimbledon,
          there were thousands of events across  One element of the package, a ban on  ance company, a formal proposal is yet
          the  world  that  got  cancelled.  The  providing insurance on tankers carry-  to be formulated.
          number of underwriters in the London  ing Russian crude oil, looks likely to  "Given the financial health of the three
          market  has  reduced  by  50%,"  said  have a particularly large impact.  PSU general insurers, it is essential that
           6  The Insurance Times, July 2022
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