Page 44 - Banking Finance September 2020
P. 44
Y Tie-up with other players in digital ecosystem (e.g., Y Ensure optimum liquidity and credit deployment.
online delivery apps) to increase digital adoption.
Y Work with residential welfare associations, SME
Y Identify strategic risks based on exposure to each groups, etc., for retail and SME offerings.
sector/ geography, to aid sector specific strategy
formulation. (viii)Build quick response capabilities
Y Deploy centralised nodal team supported by
Y Assess policies affecting high exposure sectors and localised teams to quickly address emergencies.
their implications.
Y After lockdown, scale up operations gradually while
(v) Understand and cater to emerging needs
Y Keep in constant touch with customers through adhering to social distancing norms.
SMS/ WhatsApp / calls to assure support through
the crisis. References:
Y Identify key and loyal customers and their (I) RBI Circulars issued during the period 01 March 2020
emerging needs in the current situation. and 31 August 2020.
Y Understand priority customers' needs and pain (2) Brochures released by Gol on 'Alma Nirbhar Bharat
points to identify products and services to be Abhiyan' (5 parts)
deployed. (3) Article published in the website by Monitor Deloitte
(vi) Partner with governments and NGOs (India) in the month of April 2020.
Y Support Central and State governments in COVID-
19 relief initiatives (e.g., awareness building). 1 This article is written as part of reading material for a
Y Partner with local bodies to act as nodal points for workshop conducted by TSCAB, CTI on "Impact of COVID-
public assistance in select micro - markets. 19 on banking sector - Role of Rural Co-operative Banks".
(vii) Maintain operational stability So a few references and on-going schemes, appearing in this
Y Optimise the number of branches/ATMs in article are specific to Telangana State. Rural Co-operative
operation and redeploy staff based on the Banks in other States may incorporate the Schemes, being
Government's mandate. implemented in their respective States.
Revised definitions of MSME
Existing MSME Classification
Criteria : Investment in Plant & Machinery or Equipment
Classification Micro Small Medium
Mfg. Enterprises Investment<Rs. 25 lac Investment<Rs. 5 cr. Investment <Rs. 10 cr.
Services Enterprise Investment<Rs. 10 lac Investment< Rs. 2 cr. Investment<Rs. 5 cr.
Revised MSME Classification
Composite Criteria : Investment And Annual Turnover
Classification Micro Small Medium
Investment< Rs. 1 cr. Investment< Rs. 10 cr. Investment< Rs. 20 cr.
Manufacturing & Services and and and
Turnover < Rs.5 ci% Turnover < Rs.50 cr. Turnover < Rs.100 cn