Page 12 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 12

Indian insurance industry         Immediate Annuity products from pro-
                                            ceeds of the National Pension Scheme  Half vehicles are unin-
          can be sixth largest: IRDAI
                                            (NPS). In the current scenario, NPS re-  sured: IRDAI Chairman
          The Indian insurance sector, which is  tirees submit an exit form to NPS and a
                                                                                 IRDAI  Chairman  Mr.  Debashish
          growing at 11 per cent CAGR for the  proposal form to insurers at the time of
                                                                                 Panda hassaid that close to half the
          last five years, the momentum is ex-  superannuation.
                                                                                 vehicles in the country continue to
          pected to continue and could lead In-
                                            The regulator IRDAI said, "It has been  remain uninsured, which is a cause
          dia to become the sixth largest market
                                            observed that Pension Fund Regulatory  of worry.
          globally, from ten now, said Debasish
                                            and Development Authority (PFRDA) is
          Panda, Chairman, IRDAI.                                                Speaking at the insurance summit
                                            collecting exhaustive exit form from the
                                                                                 in Mumbai, IRDAI chairman asked
          He said  that  the industry has  been  NPS retirees which capture necessary
                                                                                 the insurance students to come up
          growing at  11% CAGR  for the last  5  details which insurance companies re-
                                                                                 with innovative and tech-enabled
          years but to insure every person in In-  quire in the proposal form."
                                                                                 ways in which India can cover up
          dia a highlighted importance of insur-
                                            This way, the exit form of NPS will now be  the 83% protection gap. "The sec-
          ance as financial and social protection
                                            treated as a proposal form for purchas-  ond area of focus should be prod-
          has to be worked upon.
                                            ing annuities, thereby reducing the time  uct simplification and innovation.
          "Economy is showing great resilience  and efforts of senior citizens and insurers.  Tech-based coverages and region-
          against pandemic and global political                                  based coverages have to be looked
          unrest, showing 7% growth as opposed                                   into because one-size-fits-all is no
                                            Get customers e-insurance
          to the global 2.9%, he believes the in-                                longer applicable," said Panda.
          surance industry should not be left be- accounts: IRDAI to indus-
                                                                                 Panda said that IRDAI is also work-
          hind. Growth momentum is expected
                                                                                 ing on Bima Sugam - a one-stop shop
          to remain constant which is a golden
                                            The  insurance  regulator  urged  the  for insurance. Bima Sugam is a new
          opportunity for the Insurance sector
                                            companies to  open  e-insurance  ac-  online platform approved by the
          which can go from 10th largest to 6th
                                            counts (e-IA) for their customers, which  regulator where different types of
          largest," Panda said.
                                            would act as the first step towards  insurance products will be sold.
                                            dematerialisation of insurance policies.
                                                                                 The policies sold on the platform will
          IRDAI  eases  norms  for
                                            e-IAs serve as a repository of all insur-  be in digital form, and buyers need
          pensioners                        ance policies that the customers have  not worry about the safekeeping of
          To bring ease of living for NPS retirees,  subscribed to. The regulator has been  the contract. Besides selling poli-
          the Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  discussing with the insurance industry  cies and servicing claims, the plat-
          ment Authority of India (IRDAI) has re-  on dematerialisation of insurance poli-  form will make it possible for cus-
          laxed the requirement of submitting a  cies, a move aimed at increasing cus-  tomers to port their policies from
          separate proposal form for taking the  tomer convenience.              one provider to another.
            10    November 2022  The Insurance Times
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