Page 8 - The Insurance Times February 2025
P. 8

2019, according to the Federation of  liver innovative and holistic products  the most pressing concern for Indian
          Automobile Dealers Association (FADA).  that ensure a stress-free experience  businesses, affecting 50% of respon-
          Despite these gains, the PV segment  for our customers. We also extend our  dents-a 21% increase compared to the
          entered 2025 with an estimated unsold  gratitude  to  our  strategic  partner,  global average. Previously, customer
          inventory  of  6,00,000  vehicles,  as  ICICI Lombard, for bringing this inno-  fraud was the leading issue in 2022.
          noted by a FADA official.         vative product to life."
                                                                               Globally, 44% of business leaders high-
                                            The Maha Kumbh Mela, expected to   lighted cybercrime as their top con-
          PhonePe  to  offer  Maha          commence on January 13, 2025, and  cern. The survey also indicated that

          Kumbh Mela insurance              run  until  February  26,  2025,  in  corruption and bribery accounted for
                                            Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, is one of the  33% of economic crimes. Notably, 34%
          PhonePe has announced a partnership
                                            world's largest spiritual gatherings,  of Indian companies lacked robust au-
          with ICICI Lombard General Insurance
                                            drawing millions of devotees. The in-  dit systems for third-party vendors,
          to provide insurance coverage for trav-
          elers attending the Maha Kumbh Mela.  surance plan offers a coverage sum of  while only 37% employed real-time
                                            up to Rs 1 lakh.
          The policy will be available from Janu-                              payment monitoring systems capable
          ary 13, 2024, to February 25, 2025,                                  of blocking suspicious transactions.
          and comes in two variants.        PwC:  Over  half  of  sur-
          "This comprehensive yet affordable  veyed entities faced finan-      PM  Modi  Government
          insurance plan caters to a broad spec-                               Boosts  Agriculture  with
          trum of travelers. It is priced at Rs 59  cial frauds
          for those traveling by train or bus, and  A growing number of Indian compa- Enhanced Crop Insurance
          Rs 99 for individuals traveling by do-  nies have reported financial or eco-  Allocation
          mestic flights," PhonePe stated in a  nomic frauds over the last two years,
          press release.                    outpacing global trends, according to  The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime
                                                                               Minister Narendra Modi, has approved
          Vishal Gupta, CEO of PhonePe Insur-  PwC's Global Economic Crime Survey  the  continuation  of  the  Pradhan
          ance Broking Services, remarked, "We  2024.                          Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and
          are thrilled to launch this unique insur-  The survey revealed that 59% of Indian  Restructured Weather-Based Crop In-
          ance offering for an event as significant  organizations encountered financial or
                                                                               surance Scheme until 2025-26, with an
          as the Maha Kumbh Mela. This initia-  economic fraud during the past 24
          tive aligns with our goal of being the  months, compared to the global aver-  increased allocation of Rs 69,515.71
          most trusted platform for insurance  age of 41% and 52% in PwC's 2022  crore.
          solutions. At PhonePe, we aim to de-  survey. Procurement fraud emerged as  The continued emphasis on PMFBY
                                                                               and related schemes demonstrates
                                                                               the government’s commitment to the
           New India logs lowest claim rejections                              agricultural sector. By integrating ad-
           New India Assurance recorded the lowest claims repudiation ratio among  vanced technologies and prioritizing
           insurers, standing at just 0.2% for FY23. The company also led in health  risk coverage, these measures aim to
           insurance and motor own-damage insurance, with a repudiation ratio of  bolster farmer welfare, ensure crop
           only 0.5% in the latter category.                                   security, and promote sustainable ag-
           Other insurers with low repudiation ratios include HDFC Ergo (2.9%), Aditya  ricultural practices.
           Birla Health (3.9%), and Future Generali (3.8%). Public sector insurers, how-
           ever, demonstrated higher repudiation ratios. National Insurance recorded         Join
           8.3%, Oriental Insurance stood at 9.9%, and United India reported 5.4%.   Online Certificate

           In the motor own-damage segment, New India maintained a superior ratio        Course on
           of 0.5%. Other notable performers were Future Generali (1.1%) and Orien-
           tal Insurance (3.3%). Health insurance also saw low rejection rates with Iffco  Marine Insurance
           Tokio (4.7%), Bajaj Allianz (5.9%), and Go Digit (7.9%) performing well.
           Meanwhile, private insurers like Tata AIG, Chola MS, and ICICI Lombard ex-  For details please visit
           hibited relatively higher repudiation ratios.              

         8     February 2025  The Insurance Times
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