Page 20 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 20


         each secured assets given the large vol-  AAR ruled that where the supply is  ESOPs are shares, representing owner-
         ume of such cases in big cities and de-  between related persons, the value of  ship in the company , given to its em-
         feat the purpose of Sarfaesi Act, which  such supply will be the open market  ployees at a price lower than its fair
         mandates expeditious handing over of  value of that. In case open market  value price in the market.
         secured assets to secured creditors.  value is not available, the value of sup-
                                                                               Companies may decide to buy back
                                            ply of goods and or services of like kind
                                                                               ESOPs for various reasons including the
         GST will be applicable on          and quality will be the taxable value.  intention of the promoters to offer li-
         partner's property rented          Further, it said that in this particular  quidity to their employees holding
                                            matter, the property being rented, and  ESOPs, especially in case of unlisted
         to partnership firm, AAR           the supplier and recipient are related.  companies which are not available to
         clarifies                          Accordingly, Rule 28 (related with de-  trade in the secondary market.
                                            termining value of supply of goods/ser-
         Goods & Services Tax (GST) is required                                Providing liquidity by unlisted compa-
         to be paid for the properties rented  vices or both between distinct or re-  nies by periodic buyback of ESOPs is
         out by the partner to his partnership  lated persons) of GST Act will apply.  also becoming an important consider-
         firm, Tamil Nadu Authority for Advance  "The activity of renting out immovable  ation among startups. Controlling the
         Rulings (TNAAR) has said. This will be  properties owned by the applicant as  equity dilution in the company could
         applicable even if there is NIL rent.  an individual person to the partnership  also be another reason why promoters

         The applicant, Chennai based       firm, another individual person, in  offer buyback of ESOPs.
         Shanmuga Durai is the Managing Part-  which he is a major shareholding part-  The buyback of ESOPs is an act similar
         ner of a partnership firm and also owns  ner and Managing Partner, even with-  to buying back of shares by an entity.
         certain properties. The firm in which  out consideration, is a taxable supply,"  Bharath Reddy, partner,  Cyril
         he is partner is carrying out businesses  AAR said.                   Amarchand Mangaldas, said that the
         in those properties, free of rent.  This means GST is liable to be paid in  buyback of shares from ESOP share-
         In his application, he stated that under  respect of properties of the applicant  holders has to comply with the same
         the Income Tax Act, it is clear that  rented out to the partnership firm, to  conditions as buyback from other
         when the partner uses his property for  carry out the business of the firm, even  shareholders.
         businesses carried out by the firm, then  it is free of rent, as the "activity is in  In case of a buyback, any capital gains
         deemed rent does not arise.        furtherance of business and amount to  on tendering shares to the company is
                                            supply" as per GST law.
         The applicant sought clarity from AAR                                 exempt from tax in the hands of inves-
         under GST law for the same.        AAR ruling is applicable only on the ap-  tors. Therefore, ESOP holders need not
                                            plicant and the jurisdictional tax officer  pay any tax on gains made while ten-
         The applicant raised four queries. First,  in that particular matter. However, it
         whether GST liability does arise in re-  can be relied upon in similar matters.  dering shares in the buyback.
         spect of property of the partner used  Also, Central Board of Indirect Taxes  The exemption is available irrespective
         by the partnership firm to carry out  and Custom (CBIC) uses verdicts by AAR  of the holding period or whether it is a
         the business by the firm, free of rent.                               listed or an unlisted share, as per
                                            and Appellate Authority (AAAR) in mak-
         Second, if so, what is the relevant sec-  ing changes in rules for everyone.  Neeraj Agarwala, partner, Nangia
         tion or rule or provision in GST law,                                 Andersen LLP.
         under which the partner of the firm is  What are the tax implica-     Note that the employee would have
         required to pay GST on notional rent?                                 already paid the perquisite tax (differ-
                                            tions if firms buy back
         Third, is it mandatory to execute                                     ence between the fair market value of
         rental deed between partner and part-  their ESOPs?                   share allotted minus amount paid by
         nership firm, when there is no further-  In the last two years, a lot of startups  the employee) on exercising the ESOPs.
         ance of business for that partner? And  such as Razorpay, Udaan, Swiggy and  The value of shares tendered in the
         fourth, what is the applicable valuation  Zerodha bought back the employee  buyback by all shareholders can be
         rule, when consideration is not fixed  stock options (ESOPs) from their em-  higher than the amount set aside by
         and not received by the Partner?   ployees.                           the company for the offer. T

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