Page 11 - Banking Finance November 2022
P. 11


          linking credit cards with Unified Pay-  The committee also decided to remain  "The DBUs will augment our efforts to
          ments Interface (UPI) and RuPay credit  focused on withdrawing "accommoda-  promote financial inclusion by provid-
          cards, and in all probability the central  tion", which was supported by all ex-  ing banking services in a paperless, ef-
          bank will allow the same for other card  cept External Member Jayanth Varma.  ficient, safe and secure environment.
          networks such as Visa and Mastercard,                                The specific financial services to be pro-
                                            While the policy statement was seen
          too.                                                                 vided  by  the  DBUs include, among
                                            as dovish, RBI Governor Shaktikanta
          Speaking at the  Global  Fintech Fest  Das alluded to a third major shock -  other things, savings, credit, invest-
                                                                               ment and insurance," said Das.
          2022, Vivek Deep, executive director,  the other two being the pandemic and
          RBI, said, "We have started with RuPay  Russia-Ukraine war - which is aggres-  This could be a major relief to micro,
          cards. But if you see the vision docu-  sive monetary policy actions by devel-  small and medium enterprises.
          ment of our department, the idea is to  oped economies.
                                                                               "On the credit delivery front, to start
          generally  link credit cards with UPI.
                                            "The world is in the eye of a new storm  with, the DBUs will provide end-to-end
          This we believe has the potential to be
                                            … The recent sharp rate hikes and for-  digital processing of small ticket retail
          a game changer in this field. This will
                                            ward guidance about further big rate  and MSME loans, starting from online
          enhance the benefit of credit and UPI
                                            hikes have caused tightening of finan-  applications to  disbursals. The DBUs
          to a large number of populations." In
                                            cial conditions, extreme volatility and  will  also provide services  related to
          his monetary policy address in June this
                                            risk aversion … There is nervousness in  certain identified government-spon-
          year, the RBI  governor Shakti-kanta
                                            financial markets with potential conse-  sored schemes," said Das.
          Das  had  said,  "To  begin  with,  the
                                            quences for the real economy and fi-
          Rupay credit cards will be linked to the
                                            nancial stability," Das said, adding that Banks hike MCLRs,  repo-
          UPI platform. This will provide addi-
                                            despite this unsettling global environ-
          tional  convenience to users and en-                                 linked lending rates post
                                            ment, the Indian economy continued
          hance the scope of digital payments."
                                            to be resilient.                   RBI rate action
          There was lack of clarity on whether
                                                                               Joining  peer  lenders,  SBI,  Kotak
          the RBI will extend this facility to credit
                                            DBUs to boost RBI's finan-         Mahindra Bank and Federal Bank are
          cards of other card networks, such as
                                                                               the  latest  in  the  list  to revise their
          Visa, Mastercard, etc.            cial inclusion efforts: Das
                                                                               marginal cost of funds based lending
                                            The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is fo-  rates (MCLRs) in addition to hikes in
          RBI raises repo rate by 50        cused on facilitating technology  and  repo-linked rates from early October.
                                            innovation in the banking sector for the
          bps to 3-year high                                                   Following a hike in  repo rate by the
                                            benefit of taking financial services to
                                                                               Reserve Bank of India on September 30
          The six-member Monetary Policy Com-
                                            the masses, Governor Shaktikanta Das
                                                                               by 50  basis  points  to 5.90%, banks
          mittee (MPC) of the RBI has decided
          to increase the policy repo rate by 50                               raised their repo-linked lending rates
                                            "The establishment  of DBUs (Digital  by a similar margin. Gradually,  they
          basis points  (bps)  to  5.9  per cent  -
                                            Banking Units) is a step to further aug-  also raised the marginal cost of funds
          which is largely on expected lines - as
                                            ment the digital infrastructure in the  based lending rates.
          inflation continues to stay above 6 per
          cent, the upper level of its tolerance  country,"  Governor Das said  at  the  The  country's  largest  lender  State
                                            launch of 75 DBUs to mark 75 years of
          band, for the past eight months.                                     Bank  of  India  (SBI) has  revised the
                                            independence. "This will act as an en-  MCLR for  the  benchmark  one-year
          Except  External  Member  Ashima
                                            abler in the digital ecosystem and will  tenor to 7.95%, up by 25 basis points
          Goyal, who voted for a 35-basis point
                                            improve customer experience by facili-  from previous rate, which came to ef-
          hike, the rest were in favour of what
                                            tating seamless banking transactions."  fect from October 15, 2022.
          the MPC  settled  for. Since May  this
          year, the repo rate has been increased  Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman  The one-year tenor MCLR is the rate
          by 190 bps to 5.9 per cent, a  three-  in her budget speech announced the  against which most of the consumer
          year high.                        setting up of these branches.      loans are tied to.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                           NOVEMBER | 2022 | 11
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