Page 40 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 40
BILL, 2015"
on Insurance of Motor vehicle against
third party risk
1. Prelude - This has reference to my earlier article on 3. Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015- Meanwhile,
Review of the Draft “Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2014”. the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government
I have tried to project the overall anguish of the general of India, revisited and revised the said Draft Bill, 2014 as
Insurance Industry on the Draft Bill as under. "Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015" (hereinafter referred
to as 'Draft Bill, 2015').
2. Observation relating to Draft Bill, 2014- "Motor
4. Importance- It appears that the proverbial slogan
third party is a loss making portfolio already hitting the
bottom line of insurer's in India. Hence it is anticipated that, 'Good days are ahead' going to be true for the general
the Government of India will introduce a capping system insurance industry in India in case the "Road Transport and
on insurer's overall liability towards third party. The same Safety Bill, 2015" is passed by the Parliament in its present
is also assured by the former finance minister in UPA form since, it contains most of the long standing demand
Government, but the draft bill came as a surprise for the of the industry relating to change in law for 'limited liability',
industry which did not contain any such provision, rather 'limitation for filing application for compensation' and
the same increased insurer's liability to a greater extent. 'inclusion of S. 64 VB Insurance Act, `1938' as a statutory
M. K. DAS About the author
5. Apparent changes in the Draft Bill, 2015- It
B.A.Hon's & Distinction, B.Ed, M. A.,
L.L.M., Dip in Cyber Law. appears that while redrafting the Bill, by way of insertion
The author is a former Advocate, presently and deletion, the makers omitted to synchronize the
working as Law Officer with the New India sections noted in the content with the sections noted
Assurance Company Ltd. at Mumbai. against the provisions of the Draft Bill of 2015.
36 The Insurance Times, September 2015
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