Page 60 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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Poll            Will the cap on insurance expenses
                                                                help to enhance growth in the
                                                                         insurance industry.

Licensed for Reinsurance Only                  Yes             Results of Poll in our July 2015 Issue
Indicates the company is a licensed         Can’t say       Do you think the recent premium hike
(admitted) insurer to write reinsurance                         for Motor third party insurance is
on risks in this state.                                                          adequate?

Lifetime Reserve Days                       You may send your views to :                                 Yes         100
                                                                                                          No          00
Sixty additional days Medicare pays for     Poll Contest, The Insurance Times                   Can’t say             00
when you are hospitalized for more than
90 days in a benefit period. These days     25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007
can only be used once during your           Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 40078428
lifetime. For each lifetime reserve day,    Fax: 033-22736612, Email:
Medicare pays all covered costs except
for a daily coinsurance amount.                  IRDAI to push e-commerce in insurance

Living Benefits                             IRDAI has recently constituted two special panels for the promotion of e-com-
                                            merce in Life and General Insurance. "The Authority is inclined to facilitate
This feature allows you, under certain      the promotion of e-commerce in insurance space, which will lower the cost
circumstances, to receive the proceeds of   of transacting insurance business and bring higher efficiencies and greater
your life insurance policy before you die.  reach", the regulator said in a circular. The panels have been formed with
Such circumstances include terminal or      captain of industry as members including Sandeep Bakshi, CEO, ICICI Pruden-
catastrophic illness, the need for long-    tial Life Insurance Company Ltd, and Tapen Singhel, CEO, Bajaj Allianz Gen-
term care, or confinement to a nursing      eral Insurance Company Ltd.
home. Also known as "accelerated death
benefits."                                  The panels are supposed to identify opportunities of e-commerce in the insur-
                                            ance sector, recommend technological solutions for e-commerce, suggest
Lloyd's                                     regulatory and other facilitation measures for the growth of e-commerce and
                                            synergize with Centre's Digital India initiative. The ease and convenience to
Generally refers to Lloyd's of London,      buying a product online has revolutionized the manner in which products are
England, an institution within which        sold across the world. "India is no exception and a plethora of products are
individual underwriters accept or reject    being sold and delivered using the electronic platform to millions of custom-
the risks offered to them. The Lloyd's      ers. It is probably the right time to extend this opportunity into the insurance
Corp. provides the support facility for     space", as per the report given by IRDA.
their activities.


                           MONTH OF JULY, 2015 (Rs in crores)                                   NON LIFE INSURERS

INSURERS                   JULY             Growth of       CUMULATIVE                          % of Growth

                                            June 2015       UPTO JULY                           Upto June 2015

                                            over July 2014                                      over the period

                                                                                                Upto July`2014

                2015-16 2014-15                             2015-16 2014-15

Private Sector  3216.05 2859.34             12.5%           12944.24 11595.15                                 11.6%

Public Sector   4133.04 3717.62             11.2%           16561.96 14821.19                                 11.7%

Stand-alone Health 290.53        202.62     43.4%           1066.69  750.41                                   42.1%

Specialised     315.31           227.02     38.9%           794.96   677.20                                   17.4%

Grand Total     7954.93 7006.60             13.5%           31372.60 27843.95                                 12.7%

56 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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