Page 50 - The Insurance Times July 2020
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against such hospitals that are enlisted as network  1. Reference is invited to IRDAI circular Ref. No: IRDAI/
             providers. Insurance companies shall also put in place  HLT/REG/CIR/054/03/2020 dated 04th March, 2020,
             continuous communication channel with all the network  specifying guidelines on handling of claims reported
             providers for prompt resolution of the grievances of  under Covid-19.
             policyholders.                                   2. In view of increase in number of COVID-19 cases, in
         6. Where any network provider denies cashless facility and  order to leverage on the extant healthcare systems put
             deviates from agreed terms of the SLA, insurance    in place, it is important to recognise the make-shift or
             company shall take an appropriate action against such  temporary hospitals permitted by Government for
             network providers as provided in SLA.               settlement of health insurance claims for insurance
         7. Also, where policyholders’ interests are adversely   companies.
             affected because of the conduct of the network   3. In the above backdrop, in order to ensure that the costs
             providers, such instances may be immediately reported  of treatment of COVID – 19 are covered as per the
             to the appropriate Government agencies of the       terms and conditions of policy contract, a make-shift or
             concerned State/area. Action taken against such     temporary hospital permitted by Central / State
             network providers may also be published on the website  government shall be regarded as a hospital or network
             of the insurance company for the information of the  provider and insurers shall settle the claims as per the
             insured public.                                     following norms.

         8. This has the approval of the competent authority.    a) Where a policyholder who is diagnosed as Covid-19
                                                                     positive is admitted into any such make-shift or
         (D V S Ramesh)                                              temporary hospital on the advice of a medical
         General Manager (Health)                                    practitioner or appropriate Government
                                                                     authorities, notwithstanding the definition of
                                                                     hospital specified in the terms and conditions of
         Discount in premium in Corona Kavach
                                                                     policy contract, the treatment costs shall be settled
         Policy to Healthcare Workers                                by insurers.

                                             Date:14-07-2020     b) Where any network provider has set up any such
                                                                     make-shift or temporary hospital, such make-shift
         As mandated by IRDAI, all the 30 general and health insurers  or temporary hospital shall be regarded as the
         that offer indemnity based health insurance, have started   extension of the network provider and cashless
         offering Individual Covid-specific Standard Health Policy   facility shall be made available.
         called “Corona Kavach”.                              4. Insurers are advised to expedite settlement of all such
                                                                 claims in accordance to the applicable regulatory
         As a gesture of acknowledgment of the contribution of   framework.
         healthcare sector in the nation’s fight with Covid-19, the
         insurance companies will provide a 5% discount in premium  5. All insurers are also advised to incorporate the above
         of “Corona Kavach” to doctors, nurses and other healthcare  norms in claim guidelines and inform to all the TPAs
         workers, in terms of the guidelines issued by IRDAI.    immediately.
                                                              6. These guidelines shall come in to force with immediate
         All eligible individuals may avail the discount at the point of  effect.
         purchase of ‘Corona Kavach’.
                                                              7. These guidelines are issued under the powers vested
                                                                 with Regulation 27 (vi) of IRDAI (Health Insurance)
         Guidelines on settlement of claims on                   Regulations, 2016 read with Section 34 (1) of Insurance

         treatment at ‘make-shift or temporary                   Act, 1938.
         hospitals’ as permitted by Government                8. This has the approval of the competent authority.

         IRDAI/HLT/MISC/CIR/190/07/2020                       (D V S Ramesh)
                                             Date:16-07-2020  General Manager (Health)

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