Page 33 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 33


C oal is a mineral of organic origin, developed                  the properties of coal, it is essential for the Master of the
               from the remains of vegetation which have,        vessel to obtain full details of the specific characteristics of
               over the course of millions of years,been trans-  cargo from the shipper prior to loading. If the Master is not
               formed to solid carbon fuel by the effect of      satisfied that he has been provided with sufficient informa-
heat and pressure from overlying rock or water. Coal is used     tion concerning the properties of the cargo, or has reasons
as fuel. Coal covers a wide range of products with a corre-      for concern about the safe carriage of the cargo, he should
sponding range of properties. All classes of coal, including     seek expert advice before shipment of the cargo.
anthracite, are susceptible to Spontaneous Combustion.
                                                                 Precautions to be taken after loading
Stowing                                                          the cargo on to the vessel

Whilst all classes of coal are susceptible to self-heating un-    Warning notices against smoking and the use of naked
der appropriate conditions, some types of coal, particularly          illumination should be posted at the entrance to cargo
lower grade i.e. geologically immature coals, have a par-             compartments and adjoining spaces where inflam-
ticular propensity in this regard. The blending of different          mable gases may accumulate.
types of coal may also enhance the propensity of sponta-
neous combustion. Very little can be discerned about the          Use of electrical circuits in cargo compartments, mast
potential properties of a cargo simply by visual inspection           houses, deck houses and other spaces where gas may
at the time of loading. Thus, given the wide variability in           accumulate should be avoided.

                      About the author                            Torches specially designed for safe use in potentially
                                                                      flammable environment should be carried on board
                       Sumon Ganguly
                                                                  Consignment should not be allowed to be loaded on the
                            Dy Manager                                vessel in slurry conditions. Coal shipped in wet condi-
                            National Insurance Co. Ltd.               tion will show at least 2 to 3% loss in weight

                                                                  Since coal is susceptible to spontaneous combustion
                                                                      during long ocean voyage, temperature should be kept

                                                                 The Insurance Times, February 2016 33

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