Page 56 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 56

Non-Recourse Mortgage                          Poll           Do you think after the devastating flood affect-
A home loan in which the borrower can                           ing South India, the insurers and regulatory
never owe more than the home's value                Yes        bodies will come up with more products and
at the time the loan is repaid.                      No                                   services?
                                                 Can’t say
Noncancellable                                                  Results of Poll in our January 2016 Issue
Contract terms, including costs that can
never be changed.                                             Do you think that the insurance industry is still
                                                                poised for a strong growth as the domestic
Occurrence                                                         economy is expected to grow steadily?
An event that results in an insured loss.
In some lines of business, such as liability,  You may send your views to :                                 Yes         100
an occurrence is distinguished from                                                                         No           00
accident in that the loss doesn't have to      Poll Contest, The Insurance Times                   Can’t say             00
be sudden and fortuitous and can result
from continuous or repeated exposure           25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007
which results in bodily injury or property     Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 40078428
damage neither expected not intended           Fax: 033-22736612, Email:
by the insured.
                                                  Sectoral penetration to increase in India: Vijayan
Other Income/Expenses
This item represents miscellaneous             IRDAI Chairman T. S. Vijayan said foreign participation will attract more capi-
sources of operating income or expenses        tal and increase sectoral penetration in India. Higher foreign participation in
that principally relate to premium             the insurance sector is viewed as a "positive" step.
finance income or charges for
uncollectible premium and reinsurance          "This is extremely positive step. I am sure more capital is going to come. More
business.                                      capital is required to increase the penetration of insurance in India," Vijayan
                                               told reporter in New Delhi on the sidelines of Health Insurance Conference
                                               organized by FICCI.

                                               "Insurance companies are already in discussion; when they discuss raising stake
                                               from 26 per cent to 49 per cent, there is of course discussion on pricing. Once
                                               they conclude on the pricing front, it will help increase insurance penetra-
                                               tion", he added.

                                               The prominent foreign players are Nippon in Reliance Life Insurance, AXA in
                                               Bharti AXA Life Insurance, Bupa in Max Bupa Health Insurance and Sunlife
                                               Financial Inc in Birla Sunlife.


                MONTH OF DECEMBER, 2015 (Rs in crores) NON LIFE INSURERS

INSURERS        DECEMBER                          Growth of   CUMULATIVE                             % of Growth
                                               December 2015      UPTO                             Upto Dec. 2015
                                                                                                   over the period
                                                      over     DECEMBER                            Upto Dec.`2014
                                               December 2014

                2015-16 2014-15                               2015-16 2014-15

Private Sector  3147.13 2788.28                12.9%          28632.99 25631.09                                  11.7%

Public Sector   4028.75 3403.84                18.4%          34977.01 31233.27                                  12.0%

Stand-alone Health 382.88 253.03               51.3%          2646.08 1831.83                                    44.5%

Specialised     224.70 241.67                  -7.0%          3627.37 2950.54                                    22.9%

Grand Total     7783.46 6686.82                16.4%          69883.45 61646.73                                  13.4%

56 The Insurance Times, February 2016

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