Page 37 - Insurance Times March 2024
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and responsibilities for insurance company boards and senior  prevention measures and adapting to changing environmental
          management, emphasizing the importance of internal  realities, the insurance industry can play a pivotal role in
          structures and processes. Similarly, the Risk Management  promoting climate resilience and ensuring the availability of
          and Internal Controls Regulation establishes requirements  insurance coverage against climate-related hazards.
          for risk oversight, compliance, and internal audit functions
          within insurance companies. Key roles such as Chief Risk  Q. Are there specific innovations or trends that you
          Officer, Head of Compliance, and Head of Internal Audit are  believe will redefine the Gulf insurance landscape?
          given prominence and subject to CBUAE approval.     A: The insurance industry in the GCC region is experiencing
          Overall, these regulations aim to enhance governance and  a paradigm shift driven by five key trends. Firstly, the GCC
          risk management culture within the insurance sector, holding  has  emerged  as  an  early  adopter  of  global  digital
          boards and senior management accountable for maintaining  transformation initiatives.
          robust risk management practices and ensuring financial  Secondly, there has been a noticeable surge in mergers and
          stability and integrity within the industry.        acquisitions (M&A) within the GCC insurance sector.
                                                              Thirdly, governments across the GCC are prioritizing personal
          Q. Given the increasing concerns around climate change,  data protection in response to escalating cyber threats.
          how can the insurance industry enhance its resilience
                                                              Furthermore, there is a notable rise in the demand for credit
          and contribute to climate adaptation efforts?
          A: The insurance industry is uniquely positioned to address  insurance in the region, driven by the complexities of global
          the challenges posed by climate change and contribute to  trade and economic uncertainties.
          building a more resilient society and economy. One-way  Overall, the insurance industry in the GCC is undergoing
          insurers can make a meaningful impact is by developing  significant  transformation,  fuelled  by  favourable
          innovative insurance products that incentivize climate-  demographics,  robust  economic  factors,  and  the
          related risk prevention. For example, insurers can offer lower  implementation of mandatory health insurance schemes.
          premiums  to  policyholders  who  implement  climate
          adaptation measures, such as installing anti-flood doors or  Q. As we conclude, is there any message or advice you
          early warning systems.                              would like to share with the readers of The Insurance
                                                              Times. Thank you  for  taking  the  time  to share  your
          By encouraging policyholders to take proactive steps to
          mitigate climate-related risks, insurers not only reduce the  insights and experiences with our readers.
          policyholder's physical risk exposures and insured losses but  A: As we come to a close, I would like to extend a message
                                                              of resilience and adaptability to the readers of The Insurance
          also help bridge the climate-related insurance protection
          gap. This protection gap refers to the disparity between the  Times. In the dynamic landscape of the insurance industry,
          actual losses incurred due to climate-related events and the  it's crucial for professionals to remain agile and proactive in
                                                              navigating the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities.
          portion of these losses covered by insurance.
                                                              Embracing innovation and technological advancements is
          Given the increasing frequency and severity of weather-
          related disasters, such as floods and cyclones, insurers must  paramount in staying ahead of the curve.
          adapt to evolving environmental realities. While the lack of  Furthermore, fostering a culture of collaboration and
          historical data in some regions presents challenges, insurers  knowledge-sharing is essential for fostering growth and
          are leveraging analytical tools to forecast how climate  innovation in the insurance sector.
          change will impact different regions and anticipate potential  Lastly,  I  urge  readers  to  prioritize  sustainability  and
          outcomes.                                           resilience in their business practices. As climate change and
          As weather-related losses continue to test insurers' risk  other  global  challenges  continue  to  reshape the  risk
          management capabilities, it becomes imperative for the  landscape, integrating sustainable and environmentally
          insurance industry to develop expertise in understanding key  conscious strategies into insurance operations is not only a
          exposures and adapting to changing market dynamics.  moral imperative but also a strategic necessity for long-term
          Moreover,  disruptions  caused by  meteorological and  success.
          climate-related extremes necessitate ongoing adjustments  In closing, I extend my gratitude to The Insurance Times for
          in insurance terms, exclusions, and regulatory frameworks  providing a platform for industry dialogue and knowledge
          to effectively address emerging risks.              exchange. Together, let us continue to adapt, innovate, and
          In conclusion, by proactively incentivizing climate-related risk  drive positive change in the dynamic world of insurance.

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