Page 58 - Insurance Times March 2024
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to find ways to manage their risks and related capital  “Expenses incurred for inpatient care treatment under
             requirements to optimise their solvency balance sheets.  Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
                                                                 Homeopathy systems of medicines is covered up to 100%
             Reinsurance may be observed as one of the key capital
             management tools available to the insurers/cedants,  of Sum Insured, during each policy year as specified in
             which also plays a vital role in risk management, allow-  the policy schedule”.
             ing them to transfer a portion of their risk to other in-  4. There is no change in other norms specified therein.
             surers/reinsurers.                               5. This Circular will come into force w.e.f 01.04.2024.
             In various jurisdictions around the world, many reinsur-  6. This Circular is issued in terms of Section 14(2)(b) of
             ance transactions are backed by collaterals to mitigate  IRDA Act,1999.
             counterparty default risk in respect of the reinsurers.
             The amount of collateral required to back reinsurance
             transactions depends on the type of reinsurance and  Guidelines on providing AYUSH coverage in
             the reinsurer’s creditworthiness.                Health Insurance policies
             It is important to note that the practice of collaterals                                 31.01.2024
             requirements not only protects the interest of the poli-  In recent times, AYUSH treatments have garnered increased
             cyholders and insurers but also fosters confidence in the  popularity and have become an established branch of medi-
             market, attracting reinsurers for promoting a healthy  cine. Considering the growing demand for AYUSH treatments,
             and robust insurance ecosystem.                  there is a need to consider these treatments at par with
          2. In the backdrop of the above, the Authority is actively  othertreatments.
             considering introduction of collaterals within the Indian  Accordingly, all insurers are advised to comply with the fol-
             insurance industry, specifically for reinsurance transac-  lowing:
             tion with Cross Border Reinsurers (CBRs).        1. Insurers shall have a Board approved policy for providing
                                                                 AYUSH coverage, which interalia, shall include their ap-
             An exposure Draft of proposed Guidelines in this regard
             is attached in Annexure – A for the comments from the  proach towards placing AYUSH Treatments at par with
             Insurers / Re-insurers / Stakeholders.              other treatments for the purpose of health insurance so
                                                                 as to provide an option for the policyholders to choose
             The feedback / comments / suggestions may be sent   treatment of their choice. The policy shall also contain
             on e-mail with a copy to  the quality parameters as well as procedure for enroll-
    in the specified format i.e.  ing AYUSH Hospitals/Day Care Centers as network pro-
             Annexure – B , within a period of 15 days from the date  viders for the purpose of providing cashless facility.
             of its publication in the IRDAI website.
                                                              2. Insurers shall modify their existing products that contain

          Modification in Product for Persons with               limitations for AYUSH Treatments and ensure compliance
                                                                 with above directions.
          Disabilities(PWD), Persons afflicted with
                                                              3. Insurers shall have adequate controls as well as Standard
          HIV/AIDS, and those suffering from Men-                Operating Procedures(SOP) for -
          tal Illness                                            a. enrolling hospitals into their network;
                                                                 b. placing necessary clauses in their health services
                                                                     agreements with AYUSH Hospitals/Day Care Centers;
          1. Reference is invited to IRDAI Circular no: IRDAI/HLT/CIR/  c.  standard treatment protocols; and
             MISC/58/02/2023 dated 27th February, 2023 on the cap-  d. dealing with the possible frauds and abuse of the
             tioned subject.                                         system, if any.
          2. In order to provide the health insurance policyholders  4. The Insurers shall actively engage with the Core Group
             with an equal choice of choosing either Allopathic Treat-  of Experts for Insurance Sector constituted by Ministry
             ment or AYUSH Treatment, the following minor modifi-  of AYUSH, Government of India vide OM No. T.12020/
             cations are made in the model product enclosed to the  02/2017 - DCC(AYUSH) dated 04.10.2023 and develop
             above circular.                                     required modalities for providing AYUSH Coverage.
          3. Clause 4.2. on “AYUSH Treatment” and “AYUSH” referred  5. This circular will come into force w.e.f 01.04.2024.
             at clause 11 in Table of Benefits as well as Product Con-  This Circular is issued in terms of Section 14(2) (b) of IRDA
             struct have been modified and shall be read as under:  Act,1999.

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