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Casual Leave (CL)   12 days (can avail 5 full days of CL at a stretch & Half day CL {1st
                    half or 2nd half} can be availed max. 6 times in a year). Further
                    intervening holiday{s} & Saturdays/Sundays falling between two
                    CLs would not be counted as CL.

Restricted Holiday  2 days (this can be selected by each employee from a list of
Earned Leave (EL)   Restricted Holidays provided at the beginning of each year.

                    On every 11 working days 1 day accrued) Max. accumulation –
                    240 days. It cannot be clubbed with Casual Leave. It can be
                    sanctioned for minimum 6 days and maximum 120 days.

Sick Leave (SL)     30 days on half pay basis are accumulated at the end of every
                    year Maximum accumulation – 240 days (h/p)
Maternity Leave
                    180 days for each confinement– On maximum 2 occasions during
Examination Leave   entire service period may be allowed to female employees, having
(For I.I.I. exams)  less than 3 living children.
Special Sick Leave
                    It is granted for the day of the examination irrespective of the
                    examination is in the forenoon or afternoon.

                    180 days (half pay basis only) for suffering from any of the major
                    9 diseases of cancer, leprosy, T.B., paralysis, brain tumor, cardiac
                    ailment, kidney disease, AIDS and mental disease

Adoption Leave      Maximum two months leave or till the adopted child reaches the
                    age of one year, whichever is earlier, may be granted for adoption
                    of a child through legal process, only once during service career
                    and for one child only

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