Page 17 - The Insurance Times January 2022
P. 17

whereas injuries registered a growth  submit video footage in case of an ac-  vided further impetus to the property
         of 15% during January-September    cident.                            insurance industry, which grew at a
         2021, as compared to the same period  Sahoo concludes: “Singapore motor  CAGR of 9.0% during 2016 -2020.
         in 2020. Subsequently, the Singapore  insurers are embracing for a major  Japan is the largest market in the APAC
         motor insurance industry combined  shift in their product offering in the  region, accounting for 30% of the
         ratio, which decreased from 102.6% in  coming years with the government  region’s written premiums in 2020.
         2019 to 87.9% in 2020 is expected to  push for EV adoption to meet the ob-  The country’s exposure to high sever-
         increase in 2021.”                 jectives of the Singapore Green Plan  ity earthquakes, floods, and storms has
                                            2030. Increasing underwriting losses  been a consistent driver for property
         In line with the industry trends, the
         combined ratio of the top five motor  due to high accident rates and motor  insurance in the country.
         insurers in Singapore decreased in  insurance frauds will continue to pose  With 26% of the region’s written pre-
         2020. The combined ratio of        a challenge for insurers profitability  mium, China is the second-largest prop-
                                            over the next few years.”
         Singapore’s largest insurer NTUC In-                                  erty insurance market. Agriculture in-
         come decreased from 96.5% in 2019 to                                  surance is the major growth driver for
         91.7% in 2020, whereas for the second Property insurance in Asia-     property insurance in China and ac-
         ranked AXA it declined from 107.2% in  Pacific to reach $137.5bn      counted for over 50% of the property
         2019 to 92.0%.                                                        insurance premiums. The uptake of
                                            in 2025                            agriculture insurance has increased
         Sahoo continues: “In 2021, growth in
         vehicle sales, driven by economic re-  The property insurance industry in  due to its availability at a subsidized
         covery and growing demand for elec-  Asia-Pacific (APAC) is projected to grow  premium rate with support from the
         tric vehicles (EVs), is expected to help  from $85.8bn in 2020 to $137.5bn in  government.
         insurers in partially offsetting their  2025, in terms of written premiums,  Along with the demand from agricul-
         underwriting losses. EV sales in   according to GlobalData, a leading  ture, insurance to cover large-scale
                                            data, and analytics company.
         Singapore grew by 127% during Janu-                                   ongoing projects such as one-belt-one-
         ary-November 2021.”                GlobalData’s insight report, ‘2021 Glo-  road and renewal energy projects
                                            bal Property Insurance Market’, re-  aided in the growth of property insur-
         Insurers are also adopting technology
         to increase sales. This includes imple-  veals that the property insurance in-  ance in China.
         mentation of AI-based solutions to  dustry in Asia-Pacific will grow at a  Australia, India, and South Korea with
         launch innovative products such as  compound annual growth rate (CAGR)  a collective share of 30.8% were
         short-term insurance and pay-as-you-  of 9.9% over 2020-2025, supported by  among the top five markets in the
         go pricing system, which makes insur-  the increasing demand for insurance  APAC region in 2020. In India, agricul-
                                            against natural hazards and commer-
         ance flexible, affordable, and transpar-                              ture and fire insurance are key lines of
                                            cial developments.
         ent for customers. This is done by in-                                property insurance with agriculture
         stalling a telematics device in the ve-  Kotu Keerthi Naimisha, Insurance Ana-  accounting for over 60% of the prop-
         hicle that tracks the kilometers driven  lyst at GlobalData, comments: “Asia-  erty insurance premiums in 2020. Pre-
         and the premiums are charged as per  Pacific’s exposure to high severity natu-  mium collection from this business line
         the usage.                         ral-catastrophes (Nat-cat) in the last  is expected to be impacted by the 2020
                                            few years has resulted in strong   regulation, in which the government
         The use of technology for detection of
                                            awareness and demand for property  withdrew the provision of mandatory
         fraudulent claims is another focus area
                                            insurance. Premium growth is also  insurance to secure agriculture loans.
         for the insurers. According to the Gen-
                                            driven by a consistent increase in insur-
         eral Insurance Association of                                         Naimisha concludes: “Economic
         Singapore, around 20% of motor insur-  ance prices across the region since  growth and growing demand from
         ance claims are inflated or fraudulent.  2017, resulting from heavy Nat-cat  agriculture industry will support de-
         Major insurers in the country are ex-  losses, a trend that is expected to con-  mand for property insurance in APAC
         ploring solutions to leverage technol-  tinue in 2022.”               region over the next five years. Prod-
         ogy for improving their fraudulent  Commercial expansion and infrastruc-  uct development for affordable Nat-
         claim detection processes. For in-  ture development, along with regula-  cat insurance will be another focus
         stance, NTUC Income has introduced  tory support to develop sustainable  area for insurers over the coming
         ‘Orange Eye’ mobile application to  property insurance products, have pro-  years.”

                                                                        The Insurance Times, January 2022 17
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